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NOT SOLVED - Unacceptable Response to Software Update Breaking Device


Last night I pulled out our Oculus Two for a game night.  Since purchasing it (when they first came out) it has been used sparingly and always stored in its original box on a shelf.  It has been awhile since we used it so I wasn't shocked when it said it needed a software update.  

Everything was working great until we performed the software update.  When it restarted, it was stuck in the startup loop.  It kept restarting itself and never successfully got past the load screen/ black screen.  After it started showing a dead android image, we followed the Meta Help advice of factory resetting it.  As soon as the factory reset option was selected, the device completed powered off and has not been able to turn on since.  The device is completely broken and the only thing that could have done this was updating the software, as it had been working perfectly leading up to the update (and had a full charge).

Meta Help spent nearly an hour asking us to try different charge cables, plugging it into different outlets, attempting to get a factory reset again, etc.  Once nothing worked, they basically said 'Bummer!', informed us it was past warranty, and said we could buy a refurbished oculus for $150.

I have seen many other people had this issue, and it is completely unacceptable to me that an issue they created is not rectified by them.  By their logic, they could roll out a software update to break all devices past warranty and have no consequence.  Warranties should apply in cases of neglect or misuse of the consumer, not a bail out for irresponsible software roll outs by the company that break users' devices.

Has anyone else experienced this? 

EDIT TO STATE: This issue is not solved- Meta has marked it as solved so their latest update is seen at the top of the thread.  The current status is:

  • To submit a claim (note: make sure you use the Serial Number on your actual device (not found on your account online, as they sometimes differ.  If this serial number does not work, try any serial number you can find (Meta account serial number, headset serial number, box serial number, handset serial number)- just to make sure none of them work, as it is easier dealing with the claim link than with customer service)): 
  • "We discovered a software update issue that caused some Quest 2/3/3S headsets to be unresponsive and unable to start up correctly. We are actively working on resolving the issue for all users, but in most cases, you are now able to use your device normally.

    If you have a device that’s still unresponsive, we're here to help. Please contact customer support through the Help Center for next steps. This will be the best way to resolve the issue. Since this issue involves individual headsets and personal account information we regret that we are unable to assist you directly on the community forums."

  • "Confirmed that Quest headsets should be safe to use now. If someone experiences any issues with their device they should reach out to customer support but from what I have been told there shouldn't be any issues for those who are opening the headset for the first time now, or those who have not used it in the past few days."
  • for non-warranty holders: "Yes I believe the team is aware of this and the fact that some devices might be out of warranty. They're looking at all solution options right now." - There have been disjointed responses from customer service representatives.  It seems out of warranty devices WILL be replaced as the claim link/ customer service has confirmed this for some out-of-warranty individuals; however, some people are still struggling to get a confirmation/ action from Meta.
599 REPLIES 599

Expert Trustee

Why are Quest 3S owners singled out for this assistance, some form of discrimination? 


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Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

@oculusness A refreshing support message which is actually honest with "We need to hear from management and speak with our engineers" rather than corporate speak. With regards to the "update bricking headsets" and being "considered" for a new headset, it would be extremely unusual and likely illegal if they did not issue a replacement headset or a refund for those with non-functional headsets due to a forced and bugged software update, so I imagine this is just the support worker just doing his best to provide information without backing himself in to a corner.

With regards to the Quest 3s reaching out separately, its likely that it's a similar issue but does not have the same solutions, likely due to the slight differences with software and hardware.



Little further update here

Got the new 3s from Amazon this morning and went through the initial software update, which seems to be all ok.

Now awaiting my son to come around as it is his Meta Horizons account we need to link up to. 

The date of the new device was older than the previous one which got bricked, so I am about 95% certain that devices setup now should be all ok to go. 

Just the bricked ones that are suffering still. 


Got a response from Customer Support this morning on this issue (Oculus 2) and the agent is now reverting back to the "out-of-warranty" replacement script (for $150 fee).  Not sure if this was an agent who is "not in the know" but I pushed back, providing references on these forums and other public info (Reddit, Lifehacker, etc.) of this known issue that is caused by their buggy software release.  I hope this email doesn't signal that Meta decided this is the actin they will take on the unlucky souls who are out of the warranty window. 


I've been messaging support every couple of hours for updates and they keep repeating the same script saying not to worry, the engineers are working on a fix. I keep asking for an RMA number as its impossible to software fix a device that is totally unresponsive. We'll see who gives up first 😂

Keep at it, for sure. This is a classic case of left hand not talking to the right in a massive company. Persistence pays off.

Honored Guest

I have a new packed meta quest 3 as you think to unpack, run, or wait for messages from the support



Just getting a stock response now 


so they fix it for 3s?