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NY Times: Facebook to redesign and rebrand the Rift

Honored Guest
Just wanted to share this quote from the New York Times article about the announcement. Interpret as you will.

"According to a person involved in the deal who was not allowed to speak publicly because he was not authorized by either company, Facebook eventually plans to redesign the Oculus hardware and rebrand it with a Facebook interface and logo."


Just sounds like some shady opinion with no source. :lol:

Honored Guest
"CoryandStuff" wrote:
Just sounds like some shady opinion with no source. :lol:

It does a little bit, doesn't it. Were it not the NY Times, I would be less inclined to believe it, could be right.

Honored Guest
yeah, I just read the article and my thoughts about the facebook redesign almost made my blood boil. It seemed to me that FB plans to shove oculus out of the history books for future generations. But then I read between the lines.

They quoted someone that had no business talking about the future of either company.
Bad NY Times...... Bad!!!

They might as well as taken a quote from me. here yah go NY Times you can run this headline story.
"NY Times shutting down due to shoddy reporting and inciting riots" 😉

Honored Guest
I doubt this will happen - the Rift has a very distinct brand and visual appearance, which FB changing will only damage the brand. Slapping a big F instead of the eye on the Rift, making it a Facebook Machine won't end well, and I think the guys over at FB know that.

Honored Guest
Well, they can do what they want now. Palmer, and whoever else made this deal, are naive, if they thought Facebook wouldn't dig in deep.

It's like selling id Software to Zenimax - what can possibly go wrong there?

Honored Guest
"CoryandStuff" wrote:
Just sounds like some shady opinion with no source. :lol:

Well, they can't name the source. There is a difference...
Not sure how news media operate in the US, but in the civilized world they usually need 2 independent sources that corroborate the story.

Honored Guest
I guess this is what happens when a start-up hardware company has to start dealing with PR lol....

well i hope we don't get facebook branded oculus stuff

i mean... we have nexus 5, 7 and 10 by asus, but google is funding them, and nowhere do you see google branding on them... except when you boot up you see the google logo on the loading screen for a few seconds

Honored Guest
@Hadwell: Except all over the operating system that is tied into your account over at Google?

Honored Guest
hmm i don't think anything i use on my tablet has much to do with google... but mostly i use dosbox, various console emulators and VLC media player... but i installed cyanogen mod operating system on my tablet so...