01-07-2016 06:16 PM
[–]to TheTwistgibber sent 1 day ago
Hi can you confirm is $699 for NZ is in USD? Also is NZ GST included and paid for?
[–]from TheTwistgibber sent 48 minutes ago
Yes, it is in USD. The price is inclusive of all regulatory fees.
Item Duty
Value: 699.00 USD
NZ Value: 1,043.28 NZD
Duty: 0.00 NZD
GST: 156.49 NZD
156.49 NZD
GST on freight 31.12 NZD
Total 187.61 NZD
Entry fees* 49.24 NZD
Amount due 236.85 NZD
*Entry fees:
Once the threshold of $60 of duty and/or GST payable is reached, then a Customs import entry transaction fee (IETF) of NZ$29.26 (GST inclusive) is payable. Please note that the $60 threshold does not apply to tobacco and alcohol products. Entry fees are collected on these two regardless of the amount. A Ministry for Primary Industries biosecurity system entry levy (MPI Levy) of $19.98 (GST inclusive) is also collected by Customs. The total fees equal NZ$49.24 (GST inclusive)
01-07-2016 08:20 PM
01-07-2016 09:47 PM
01-07-2016 11:32 PM
"jasonh" wrote:
I thought I saw a post/tweet/something from oculus saying that international orders included relevant local taxes for that country.
Much like later with DK2 orders they started to charge aussies for GST on their order and they were not required to pay it in AUS. (which they didnt need to as it was under 1k anyway 🙂 )
For NZ, 699USD is $10 more than the 15% GST, I assume they just round it but it is covered.
Re the shipping, depending on who they ship with, you dont need to pay the entry fees. Eg, fedex, it's already done by them. if it goes through NZ post, they will charge it, it's not part of the service.
When I got the DK2 and paid $75usd in shipping I had assumed it would not be sent by standard post, I thought it would be fedex, dhl etc and I wouldnt get charged the extr $50. To my surprise for that $75 it was standard mail and I got charged the $50.
For the $130+USD shipping it is this time, I certainly hope it comes from one of the international couriers who wont charge us that $50.
01-08-2016 12:26 AM
01-08-2016 02:25 AM
01-08-2016 03:16 AM
"Aus21" wrote:
2. If the Rift is locally distributed then you are required to issue a tax invoice clearly displaying the amount of the GST tax in AUD not USD. If this is case please explain the $50 USD charge, this doesnt even add up regardless of which way you look at it.
01-08-2016 04:41 AM
01-08-2016 05:16 AM
01-08-2016 03:20 PM
original_offer_price: {formatted: "$649.00", currency: "USD"}
customs_fee: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$0.00"}
customs_fee_tax: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$0.00"}
shipping_handling_fee: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$120.00"}
shipping_handling_fee_tax: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$12.00"}
tax: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$59.00"}
total: {currency: "USD", formatted: "$781.00"}
country_code: "AU"
pre-order for $599 USD*
*Additional fees may apply, including tax and shipping costs. Price may vary for non-USD purchases. Final pricing presented at checkout.