01-07-2016 06:16 PM
[–]to TheTwistgibber sent 1 day ago
Hi can you confirm is $699 for NZ is in USD? Also is NZ GST included and paid for?
[–]from TheTwistgibber sent 48 minutes ago
Yes, it is in USD. The price is inclusive of all regulatory fees.
Item Duty
Value: 699.00 USD
NZ Value: 1,043.28 NZD
Duty: 0.00 NZD
GST: 156.49 NZD
156.49 NZD
GST on freight 31.12 NZD
Total 187.61 NZD
Entry fees* 49.24 NZD
Amount due 236.85 NZD
*Entry fees:
Once the threshold of $60 of duty and/or GST payable is reached, then a Customs import entry transaction fee (IETF) of NZ$29.26 (GST inclusive) is payable. Please note that the $60 threshold does not apply to tobacco and alcohol products. Entry fees are collected on these two regardless of the amount. A Ministry for Primary Industries biosecurity system entry levy (MPI Levy) of $19.98 (GST inclusive) is also collected by Customs. The total fees equal NZ$49.24 (GST inclusive)
01-18-2016 03:38 PM
01-31-2016 11:53 AM
01-31-2016 02:41 PM
"rogueqd" wrote:
... Either that or, if you are shipping from Australia, a more realistic shipping charge. Express post should only cost $15-20.
01-31-2016 04:09 PM
"NobodyImportant" wrote:I used UPS's website to estimate a 4kg package (45x30x20cm) from Wollongong (worst case scenario) to my place. AU$100.15
I think even locally UPS is poisonously expensive and this might explain the price
01-31-2016 08:13 PM
"rogueqd" wrote:
So even if they signed some contract giving UPS the delivery contract globally, $120 still seems a bit high. Maybe it averages out and we're partly covering the Perth orders.
01-31-2016 09:27 PM
01-31-2016 09:58 PM
"Zandil" wrote:
I thought they where going to fix the ordering site to reflect AUD ?
Canada use the $ symbol to but they get a C$ to state Canadian dollar on the ordering site
02-01-2016 02:24 PM
"kojack" wrote:
$120 would be great, considering we're paying $186 at the moment.
02-02-2016 01:32 AM