I heard from a friend, that there are new generation 980 graphics cards coming soon. Has anyone else out there heard of this? I'm looking at buying a 980 ti for my computer, when I get my rift in may. But if new gen graphics cards are coming out soon, I will obviously wait. Thanks!
At GTC on April 5th Nivida has a presentation about their new Pascal line of cards (GTX 1080 specfically) and it is expected that they will state the release date at that presentation.
Current estimates are the first cards will be launched in June around the time of Computex.
I'm not really familiar with 1080's are thos more powerful then 980 ti for instance? I guess my main question would be, after I get my rift around end of may, should I just jump and get a 980 vr ready card or wait a little bit for something better, if there is something better out there at that time.
A 980Ti will be good for a while if you want to buy a card now. I have the normal 980 and I'm waiting for the 1080 to upgrade. Hopefully they will have a Titan-level 1080 card, as I want to replace my SLI setup (since it's basically useless, I have it disabled most of the time).