06-17-2017 02:27 PM
06-18-2017 06:44 AM
06-18-2017 09:39 AM
06-18-2017 11:07 AM
You could be right, perhaps another OUYA, but that was pretty k3wl. Palmer did say he wanted some k3wl swort art online stuff, and he is the founder of mod retro, and what can be more HRHET RHO than ATARI, Scooby doo? LOL~! He needs a way to spend is money that makes him kewl and have fun, this would go down as Legend topping even his previous conquests.
kojack said:
The french company Infogrames (who bought the rights to the name Atari 16 years ago, the current Atari has no relation to the one that made the 2600) is going to release something, which may or may not involve Nolan Bushnell, which may or may not involve Palmer Luckey, which may or may not be VR related, which probably has wood grain. All we know is that it's pc based and the system design isn't finished yet (CEO said these in the interview linked above).
Seems a bit too vague to get excited about just yet.
06-18-2017 12:22 PM
06-18-2017 01:13 PM
06-18-2017 01:29 PM
AtariVR said:
and what can be more HRHET RHO than ATARI, Scooby doo? LOL~!
06-18-2017 03:42 PM
06-19-2017 01:47 AM
06-19-2017 06:24 AM
06-19-2017 06:53 AM
I was at a federal consortium of virtual worlds conference in DC, all these pentagon guys were there, for some reason I had a "wake up time to die" blade runner shirt on with LEON. So one of the pentagon generals comes up to me and starts telling me about Philip k dick, (who you know thought we were living in multiple realities simultaneously) and how they brought him in for some remote viewing type stuff but said he was was seeing the future and it scared some people at the pentagon. I thought blade runner was a CURSE on brands, that many brands had bankrupted that showed up in blade runner? So it seems the legend is true, Atari did go down, another victim of the curse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHWeYFdjEQ4 I am not sure what is going on, but alan watts said boredom would be our biggest challenge as a society, and I am tending to agree, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xCFoJ0aywc Lots of vr, mixed with psychedelics going to bring so many new experiences to bored souls.
Storm_Cloud said: