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New VIVE owner!! First impressions.

Just got my Vive last night, my Rift preorder is still delayed until mid to late June.  I didn't play with it too much, but my impressions so far are good, but not mind blowing.

Setup was very easy,  not sure why some reviewers complain.  Download the software, plug all the cables, setup the 2 receivers and you're done.  The hardest part is probably moving any furniture to make an open space.  I'm terrible with measurements and didn't realize just how big a space room space needed, even a small space like 2x2m is fairly large.  But it's worth the tradeoff.

I didn't have much time after setup to play, having a 4 year old, a wife who had to get up early and company sleeping over.  I just loaded the first thing in Steam, which was The Brookhaven Experiment.  This is a first person shooter, but I think it's more of a demo at this time. 

First impressions was the Vive hardware is excellent.  Very nice fit and finish, and the headset was not heavy in the least.  The way the straps sit are not so much behind your head, but towards the top of it, and this balances out the weight of the headset quite nicely.  I do have gripes though.  The cable is pretty thick, it doesn't bother me at all if I'm standing still, and even moving isn't bad, it's when you have to do any kind of rotation at all where it gets to be a pain.  So walking around, if I had to double back I'd have to worry about it twisting behind my head, and then worry about stepping over it.  The cable was a HUGE immersion breaker and IMO will be one of the hurdles before VR becomes mass market.  IMO if VR is wired it continues to be a tech demo for tech enthusiasts.  The Rift will have the same issue, but having only a single cable is probably much nicer.  The other gripe, which I d idn't think I'd have, is the lack of earphones.  There is a cable you can plug earphones in, but it's annoying every time you take the headset off you have to fiddle with the earphones.  Another plus for the Rift.

Upon putting on the goggles my first thought was, hey I have goggles on.  I'm not sure how to describe it, but I thought I'd be fully immersed rather than seeing the goggle outlines.  So it felt as if I was in a virtual world, but wearing goggles.  Obvious?  Yeah I know it is.  This effect definitely lessened the longer I wore the headset and I hope will just fade away as my brain ignores it.  Lens quality was great, I do see pixellation but am not sure what the big deal is.  But then again I'm used to my GearVR which has major pixellation.  Anyhow I'm ok with it, but I'm an old school gamer and was ok with DOOM when it came out.  I'll gladly take the graphics hit to be in VR.  No light bleed on the headset.  Brightness was decent.

The only game I played was The Brookhaven Experiment, which was more of a tech demo.  It was very cool, you really felt as if you were in a deserted field with zombies running at you.  The touch controllers were freakin awesome, you had a flashlight in one hand and a gun in the other.  I'm sorry, but anyone who says the Rift will have a better experience with an xbox controller is nuts.  Raising the flashlight to shine it on a sound I  heard, suddenly seeing a zombie sprinting towards me, and then lifting my gun to shoot it is just amazing.  There was no movement in the game other than within my home space, and rotating and such.  Graphics were meh, but once again we are in the first generation here.  Textures were flat and sparse.  The floor, for example, was just a single texture kind of tiled around and the floor and grass looked very fake, BUT I am ok with that because I was actually in that world.

Oh one final thing, the whole setup is very buggy.  At times the headset stopped working with a red light, and I had to research on the internet it seems there are issues with the HDMI port of some of the GTX cards.  I also had to disable some Vive marketing program on my startup menu, which I have no idea why but it fixed my issue.  The headset and controllers seemed to lose tracking quite frequently, but my receiver setup was far from optimal.  Actually I'm quite impressed with the tracking seeing how goofy  my receiver setup was.  One receiver was on top of my PC monitor, the other one was on the other side of the room about 20 ft away and quite a bit higher on an armoire.  My room space was very long but narrow.  This was all because I set it up so quickly just to play with it.  I plan on moving some stuff around, and wall/ceiling mounting the receivers so this should be much better.

Anyhoo, just some general first impressions.  I'll get to play a lot more with it tonight and tomorrow and I'll post up some more impressions.

Expert Protege
Thanks for your thoughts on the Vive. Now go and have some VR fun B)

Not applicable
Glad you like it. But you only experienced the tip of the ice berg. There are so many other experiences that I'm sure will blow your mind! Enjoy!

I know, I know.  Last night at 1am it killed me to have to put it away.  Not sure where to start tonight, but I've been drooling over vanishing realms for a long time now.

So basically the setup and pixelation are okay for you because you're just glad to finally be in VR. That's great and pretty much on par with what most Vive owners describe. If you ever get your Rift then you'll soon realize the difference; and why Rift owners describe their experience with much more enthusiasm.


Zenbane said:

So basically the setup and pixelation are okay for you because you're just glad to finally be in VR. That's great and pretty much on par with what most Vive owners describe. If you ever get your Rift then you'll soon realize the difference; and why Rift owners describe their experience with much more enthusiasm.

Pretty much every single review I've read went out of its way to mention how similar both headsets were in view quality, with a very slight increase in fov and less light bleed with the Vive.  I can't say I've tried the Rift personally so can't comment, but I have read a lot of reviews and none mentioned the Vive being more pixelated than the Rift.  The pixilation isn't a big deal at all, yeah it's there but it doesn't break the immersion factor.  It's just something we have to accept no matter which headset we use, it's where technology is currently. 

I'll definitely make it a point to try out a Rift headset at Best Buy and see for myself if pixilation is really not an issue on it, and I'll report back.

You yourself stated that pixelatioin was obvious with the Vive. I could link to reviews that mention the difference but there's no point when as a Vive owner you've confirmed it. Your only point now is that since you don't own both you can't comment; ignoring the plethora of Rift owners describing the almost non-existent pixelation which is in stark contrast to what you describe with your Vive.

I don't wanna high-jack  your thread, and I'm glad your in VR. But some things should be pointed out when Vive owners are posting on Rift forums lol

The pixelation is a complete non-factor. You see it for about 10 seconds when you first step into VR... then it just fades away, and you never really notice it again. The second you realize that your head is moving, and you can crouch, spin, duck... your brain is just in awe.


Zenbane said:

You yourself stated that pixelatioin was obvious with the Vive. I could link to reviews that mention the difference but there's no point when as a Vive owner you've confirmed it. Your only point now is that since you don't own both you can't comment; ignoring the plethora of Rift owners describing the almost non-existent pixelation which is in stark contrast to what you describe with your Vive.

I don't wanna high-jack  your thread, and I'm glad your in VR. But some things should be pointed out when Vive owners are posting on Rift forums lol

Did you notice more pixellation on the Vive you tried out versus the Rift you tried out?  I'm curious about your own personal experiences trying out and comparing both headsets.  I'm not sure when the Best Buy demos will be up, maybe I'll stop by there on the way home.  If true, I'd still choose pixilation and controllers/room space over no pixilation, but I don't have to choose since I'll have both.


The pixelation is a complete non-factor. You see it for about 10 seconds when you first step into VR... then it just fades away, and you never really notice it again. The second you realize that your head is moving, and you can crouch, spin, duck... your brain is just in awe.

I agree, after about 10 seconds it was not noticeable.