10-14-2020 11:26 PM
10-15-2020 10:47 AM
10-15-2020 10:53 AM
Or just down right illegal, which is why I keep hinting at that class act lawsuit I think is just around the corner.
JohnnyDioxin said:
Let's face it, stopping people from using their purchased hardware could be seen as something of a fascist policy
10-15-2020 11:12 AM
10-15-2020 11:47 AM
kevinw729 said:
the attempts to spin this as "what every manufacturer does" did not work, especially as this decision was done after many had purchased current hardware, without this mandate.
kevinw729 said:
The attempt to say this is not an issue, that we should live with, or that this should only be discussed behind closed doors
if enough users rebel / demand then this could be reversed.
10-15-2020 11:56 AM
i7 8700, 16GB, RTX 2080 TI, Rift CV1 | i5 4690K, 16GB, GTX 1660 TI, Rift CV1 | Quest | Quest 2
10-15-2020 12:12 PM
kevinw729 said:
Its less what is legal or illegal, and more what the buying customer base is prepared to accept.
The reason that there is a possible reversal over the Facebook login for the short term, is due to the audience (community) reaction to the original news - the attempts to spin this as "what every manufacturer does" did not work, especially as this decision was done after many had purchased current hardware, without this mandate. The attempt to say this is not an issue, that we should live with, or that this should only be discussed behind closed doors - are issues that illustrate a move internally to try and manage the optics of this issue. And so reflects that if enough users rebel / demand then this could be reversed.
I wish you well in trying to reverse this, as I doubt I will be able to continue that fight under the current conditions.
10-15-2020 12:12 PM
Nunyabinez said:
On the other hand, I wasn't a fan of Apple's decision that nothing naughty could be on Apple App stores. People should be allowed to do what they want if it is legal, even if it would be offensive to other people. However, people who don't want to be exposed to certain things should not be forced to see them if they don't want to.
The moment that the new Legislation reinforced that "Corporations are People," it instantly allows any company to donate an unrestricted amount of money to any government official. The concept of Corporations having the same Rights as Humans began some 200 years ago in US history. And has only been further enforced as time goes on.
10-15-2020 12:23 PM
OmegaM4N said:
What gets me is the fact they made what they must have known was going to be a unpopular decision by making FB accounts mandatory with the Q2, and then they could not even make that process trouble free, i mean talk about trying to extinguish a raging fire that you started by dousing it with even more fuel. Lol
10-15-2020 02:16 PM
OmegaM4N said:
What gets me is the fact they made what they must have known was going to be a unpopular decision by making FB accounts mandatory with the Q2, and then they could not even make that process trouble free, i mean talk about trying to extinguish a raging fire that you started by dousing it with even more fuel. Lol
10-15-2020 02:31 PM
kevinw729 said:
Yes I know, it does feel like a raging fire they could have avoided - no matter how it is down played.
Anyway, expect this to blow away with some serious backpedaling over the weekend.