02-26-2022 10:20 PM
02-27-2022 09:16 AM
Hey there Wobble-1-2, we appreciate your feedback. You should make your thoughts heard on our Ideas page! We love hearing what thoughts you guys have on our devices, feel free to post your suggestions there!
03-02-2022 09:13 AM
Wouldn't "couch tracking" be suitable for this? That has the assumption of "you are sitting on the couch", to my knowledge. Gimme a few minutes, and I'll do some tests.
03-02-2022 10:53 AM
Er, what was suppose to be 2 or 3 minutes to test a few things ended up being... (blinks) 2 hours playing Cave Digger. Anyway, guess I was wrong couch tracking would let you set up your bed as a VR space, but it wouldn't adjust the height automatically.