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New information on SDK 0.4.x and Elite Dangerous

Honored Guest
I went ahead and contacted Frontier regarding compiling the new SDK 0.4.x with the next build of E:D.

The question I asked:
"There's been a lot of chatter on the forums regarding Oculus VR SDK 0.4.x support with E:D. Is there anything you can tell us all about whether or not the next build will be compiled with the new SDK?"

The reply I got back:
"I can confirm we are still investigating the issue. The ball is definitely rolling and once we have an update for our players we will definitely let them know."

Expert Protege
Same here, butter smooth on high end machine. Must be something going on with your PC.

BTW, great to hear it's still on their radar. This is definitely my most anticipated rift game.

Honored Guest
"grimdar" wrote:
Same here, butter smooth on high end machine. Must be something going on with your PC.

BTW, great to hear it's still on their radar. This is definitely my most anticipated rift game.

Just got my rift and ED today. Running on an i5, 16gb, gtx770 and it ran perfect. Even in the space stations.

Honored Guest
on my old card (Radeon 7870) it ran fine unless there was a station anywhere within view - in which case it was juddery as hell - even if the view was blocked by my ship and I was just looking in the direction of the station. Clearly there is much room for optimization here; in the very least when something is occluded by your own ship it shouldn't be getting rendered. Still an awesome game though, I'm logging back in now. 🙂 See you in the verse!
GA-Z97X-gaming gt; i5-4670k; Nvidia780Ti; 16GB PC3-17066; win7-64 bit; DK2

Honored Guest
All you guys chiming in are a testament to exactly what I'm saying. Many people with a high end machine can't run it whereas people with a lesser machine (than that person) can get it to run pretty well. I was even reading posts from a couple of people with Gtx 780s saying that they couldn't get the game running at a decent level. Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening.

FWIW, I can run most demos at the highest settings and hardly dip below 75 fps.

2 overclocked GTX 570 TIs
i7 2600K overclocked to 4.4 ghz
8gb ram
Samsung 840 Evo 500gb SSD

( BTW, I've tried using one video card and SLI mode. I've never had a problem with SLI mode, even with the DK1. Everytime I've compared 1 card vs SLI mode it seems to be the same except the SLI has higher fps of course. Strange because many report input lag)

One thing I forgot to mention is that when I had the ED video settings on 'high' the framerate and severe judder was about the same as when I put the video settings on the lowest of low.

Besides framerate and judder even the graphics are pretty crappy. Crappy enough to where I question if I'm seeing what you guys are seeing. To give you a comparison- let's say that (for DK2 level graphics) that Titans of Space graphics are a 9/10 (10 being the best.) Solar system explorer graphics are an 8/10. In comparison I'd rate the ED graphics at about a 4.5/10.

Have you guys tried Solar system explorer? How does that compare to ED for you? BTW Solar system explorer runs good for me and I only remember having issues when hovering around the big satellite.

Another question since I'm running out of things to try. Are most of you running the game on an SSD or a regular HDD. I wouldn't think that would matter but then again I wouldn't think most of the issues/workarounds with the early oculus SDK would matter.

Honored Guest
"ebone260" wrote:
All you guys chiming in are a testament to exactly what I'm saying. Many people with a high end machine can't run it whereas people with a lesser machine (than that person) can get it to run pretty well. I was even reading posts from a couple of people with Gtx 780s saying that they couldn't get the game running at a decent level. Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening.

FWIW, I can run most demos at the highest settings and hardly dip below 75 fps.

2 overclocked GTX 570 TIs
i7 2600K overclocked to 4.4 ghz
8gb ram
Samsung 840 Evo 500gb SSD

( BTW, I've tried using one video card and SLI mode. I've never had a problem with SLI mode, even with the DK1. Everytime I've compared 1 card vs SLI mode it seems to be the same except the SLI has higher fps of course. Strange because many report input lag)

One thing I forgot to mention is that when I had the ED video settings on 'high' the framerate and severe judder was about the same as when I put the video settings on the lowest of low.

Besides framerate and judder even the graphics are pretty crappy. Crappy enough to where I question if I'm seeing what you guys are seeing. To give you a comparison- let's say that (for DK2 level graphics) that Titans of Space graphics are a 9/10 (10 being the best.) Solar system explorer graphics are an 8/10. In comparison I'd rate the ED graphics at about a 4.5/10.

Have you guys tried Solar system explorer? How does that compare to ED for you? BTW Solar system explorer runs good for me and I only remember having issues when hovering around the big satellite.

Another question since I'm running out of things to try. Are most of you running the game on an SSD or a regular HDD. I wouldn't think that would matter but then again I wouldn't think most of the issues/workarounds with the early oculus SDK would matter.

Yeah, maybe you don't have it set up right? ED graphics are definitely better than titans of space. I have an i7 3770k oc to 4.4ghz, 16gb ram, 670gtx oc, installed on an ssd and the game judders in and near stations on even the lowest settings. It definitely should not be running that poorly, but at least it's still a beta and the devs are aware of the problems.

Expert Protege
I would consider my rig "high end" : i7 3770k @4.6ghz and two GTX 780ti in SLI, 16GB Ram and SSDs

But like I said above, runs butter smooth here

Honored Guest
I have a few PCs at home and spread the tasks - so i have a dedicated gaming pc with with nothing besidea the os and drivers running in background - no skype, dropbox, bonjour, google, adobe or whatsoever updater - clean system. Windows 8.1, i5 @ 3.1 ghz, gtx 770, 16GB and SSD.

But i get the idea that maybe hyperthreading could be the cause for trouble, the i5 have 4 cores and 4 threads, whereas the people with trouble in ED seem to have all i7 with 8 threads. If this is the case, ii is understandable that people are waiting for an update.

Has anyone tried to deactivate hyperthreading in the bios and try ED to see if this helps? Would be nice to report back if this helps.

Honored Guest
"Wilkin" wrote:
I have a few PCs at home and spread the tasks - so i have a dedicated gaming pc with with nothing besidea the os and drivers running in background - no skype, dropbox, bonjour, google, adobe or whatsoever updater - clean system. Windows 8.1, i5 @ 3.1 ghz, gtx 770, 16GB and SSD.

But i get the idea that maybe hyperthreading could be the cause for trouble, the i5 have 4 cores and 4 threads, whereas the people with trouble in ED seem to have all i7 with 8 threads. If this is the case, ii is understandable that people are waiting for an update.

Has anyone tried to deactivate hyperthreading in the bios and try ED to see if this helps? Would be nice to report back if this helps.

I had judder with an i5-4670k, but upgrading the gpu from HD7870 to gtx 780Ti fixed it.
GA-Z97X-gaming gt; i5-4670k; Nvidia780Ti; 16GB PC3-17066; win7-64 bit; DK2

Honored Guest
I5 4690
16GB ram
GTX 780
Windows 8.1

Game is running smooth (no deactivated hyperthreading)

"ronscholten" wrote:
I5 4690
16GB ram
GTX 780
Windows 8.1

Game is running smooth (no deactivated hyperthreading)

i5 doesn't have hyperthreading