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No VR Game creater uses NV VrWorks or an Amd Equalent tool ? (List supported Games here)

Title is saying evrything... i´am really unhappy with the current Situation.
VR absolutely needs maximum grafik ressources and no Publisher is integrating the existing Code(s) to get more graficpower through SLI / and all other optimations Nvidia had created explicity for High Performance VR Experiences.....

Please List in this Thread Titles you Knew which got VR SLI / CF Support

Obviously they won't release Funhouse on Oculus Store, you need Wands/Touch to play with it...

Heroic Explorer
SLI is a no go with the latency it introduce, period.

The only viable multi GPU for VR is split frame rendering, but on nVidia, the bandwidth between the gpu is crap ( even with the new pascal bridge ), and you loose a lot of time to get the second eye to the first card before compositing, resulting in an almost no win because that time is almost the time the second GPU saved you on the first place.

AMD drivers are crap in dx11, xfire is a pain in the ass, but at least they use the PCIe bus, making transfer a little less a problem (still not that great).  SLI/xFire sake is in DX12 explicit support, but right now, it is definitely not worth it, it is a niche market, and the time to spend on that is more well invest by optimizing the performance on a single GPU.

Be glad devs don't work on multi gpu bullshit because it means they spend more time optimizing their game for the 99%

And i am a graphic dev that take good care of SLI/xFire on the games (non VR) i worked on so far, and have personally a SLI of Titan X to experiment with DX12 multi GPU at home.


Syl_VR said:

Obviously they won't release Funhouse on Oculus Store, you need Wands/Touch to play with it...

It dosn´t matter for me... they are generally not intrested in Multi GPU solutions...  and i think this is a big fail...

Supersampling takes so much computing power and is able to heavyli increase the displayd grafics..
I think Oculus should integrate the Gameworks Code as a must use in there SDK..  thats it everythings fine and VRSLI / all other optimations should run... ???
It could be that´s not possible to programm the SDK like i think about, but would be nice for all users....


Speedy-JohnnyE- said:
but each NV GPU has an dedicated physiks GPU part in the GPU...

There's no dedicated physics processor in a nvidia gpu.
Physx hardware acceleration is done by the same parts of the GPU as rendering is.
Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3


kojack said:

Speedy-JohnnyE- said:
but each NV GPU has an dedicated physiks GPU part in the GPU...

There's no dedicated physics processor in a nvidia gpu.
Physx hardware acceleration is done by the same parts of the GPU as rendering is.

yeah, or you can use a second dedicated GPU to do PhysX work.

Ok... could be... what do you think how much gpu power does it need in percent??? I have never seen any unstable fps caused through physics -.-

Not applicable

If its correct what you say i just have to let my main processor do the Physiks work ... it is no problem..

ok just tryed CPU Physiks.. its not working... but each NV GPU has an dedicated physiks GPU part in the GPU... i think there is no need for an 3rd card..  your math shouldn´t be correct....

Can anyone Try with 2 1080gpus to make an usage record with GPUz ??? 

for that:

Just open 2xGPUZ and go in both to 2cnd side, then select with one card 1 with the other card 2... then start the Funhouse and play one minute .. close game and u see the current usage of each card and SLI usage is listed to.

Here read this again, maybe English is your second language, but it means you need 3 Cards to run VR Funhouse in VR SLI

"If you’ve got two identical GPUs and a GeForce GTX 980 Ti, or higher, dedicated to PhysX, VR Funhouse will activate VR SLI, enabling GPU 1 to render to the left eye in the VR headset and GPU 2 to the right eye. This improves performance while keeping latency low, further improving the experience."

This is the IMPORTANT part of the Paragraph.

and a GeForce GTX 980 Ti, or higher, dedicated to PhysX, VR Funhouse will activate VR SLI...."

Simplified English... You need a 980TI DEDICATED PHYSX THEN, and ONLY THEN VR Funhouse will activate VR SLI.

So you can have SLI 980TI/Titan X/1060/1070/1080 BUT it won't enable VR SLI unless you have a THIRD(3) card like a 980TI that is DEDICATED as a PhsyX card

wow, that's bullshit if you need 3 cards because PhysX takes over VR SLi. You can disable hardware PhysX in the driver.

VR Funhouse is a showcase of Nvidia tech. The physics side alone is pushing fluid simulation, air flow turbulence, destruction and more. It's also got Hair Works, which seriously killed performance of Witcher 3 and a VR Works Audio, which does raytracing of audio reflections within a 3d world using the gpu (using Optix).

So we've got heavy physics use (fluid simulation is pretty intense), 3d audio and heavy rendering all fighting for the gpu. It's not that surprising that the hardware requirements are pretty high.

Of course other games won't need that, unless they push all the same tech.

Most VR games are being made in Unreal or Unity. In both cases it's up to Epic / Unity to implement the Nvidia VR Works / AMD Liquid VR support, not the game developer.
Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3