05-02-2016 08:43 AM
05-04-2016 03:15 PM
Zenbane said:
I'm pretty sure I didn't personally attack you at all, unless you think asking you questions about your VR experience is a personal attack? lol
Since you can't answer the questions I'll leave you to the imaginary prediction postings.
Questions have already been answered if you read my posts. Thanks for leaving.
05-04-2016 04:26 PM
yayayken said:
Why can't we just all get along? We are here in this forum because we like VR, whether you like HTC Vive or Oculus, it doesn't matter as it is your own opinion.
People that can't wait and ordered and even received your Vive. Great for you and let us enjoy VR.
People that decide to wait for Oculus cause they think it's better suited for them. Great for you, let us enjoy VR when you get it.
05-04-2016 04:38 PM
05-04-2016 04:58 PM
Zenbane said:
Completely agree. Immersion is currently achieved much deeper with the Rift and it will only get better.
@SpineDoc there's no evidence whatsoever that supports the notion that room space "makes or breaks VR." Quite the opposite experience has flooded YouTube. The only thing that makes or breaks VR is visual immersion, as that is the only way to trick the brain in to believing that what you're seeing is real. Being able to walk from one wall to another is as stimulating as using a Wii controller to shoot a gun. Neither make or break anything.
05-04-2016 07:37 PM
DrOculus said:
How is immersion achieved much deeper on the Rift?
"there's no evidence whatsoever that supports the notion that room space
"makes or breaks VR." Quite the opposite experience has flooded YouTube"
You say there is no evidence that room space/room scale "makes or breaks VR" but you are saying "Quite the opposite experience has flooded YouTube"....what "Quite the opposite" do you mean?....seated VR?....maybe you could link us a few Youtube vids that have flooded youtube?
"The only thing that makes or breaks VR is visual immersion, as that is
the only way to trick the brain in to believing that what you're seeing
is real."
You have Visual Immersion and you`re brain is tricked because you have a HMD that is tracking you`re physical locomotion in real world space and mapping it 1-1 into a virtual environment. So if you are saying that tracking you`re physical movements 1-1 into a VR environment is not immersive why are you buying a Rift?
"Being able to walk from one wall to another is as stimulating as using a
Wii controller to shoot a gun. Neither make or break anything."
So if locomotion in VR doesn't make or break anything why are you buying a Rift?...because that`s tracked locomotion even when seated. (and yes the Rift will do room scale tracking)
You are saying its OK to track you while seated but don't expand that tracking range, I`m glad you are not in charge of our VR future because it would be stagnant and dull with no imagination.
05-04-2016 09:19 PM
Zenbane said:
DrOculus said:
How is immersion achieved much deeper on the Rift?
"there's no evidence whatsoever that supports the notion that room space
"makes or breaks VR." Quite the opposite experience has flooded YouTube"
You say there is no evidence that room space/room scale "makes or breaks VR" but you are saying "Quite the opposite experience has flooded YouTube"....what "Quite the opposite" do you mean?....seated VR?....maybe you could link us a few Youtube vids that have flooded youtube?
"The only thing that makes or breaks VR is visual immersion, as that is
the only way to trick the brain in to believing that what you're seeing
is real."
You have Visual Immersion and you`re brain is tricked because you have a HMD that is tracking you`re physical locomotion in real world space and mapping it 1-1 into a virtual environment. So if you are saying that tracking you`re physical movements 1-1 into a VR environment is not immersive why are you buying a Rift?
"Being able to walk from one wall to another is as stimulating as using a
Wii controller to shoot a gun. Neither make or break anything."
So if locomotion in VR doesn't make or break anything why are you buying a Rift?...because that`s tracked locomotion even when seated. (and yes the Rift will do room scale tracking)
You are saying its OK to track you while seated but don't expand that tracking range, I`m glad you are not in charge of our VR future because it would be stagnant and dull with no imagination.
Your responses indicate that your thought process is the exact opposite of what would be expected from a self-proclaimed, "Dr. Oculus." I guess you were being ironic when you named yourself.
You ask a lot of questions, in direct mimicry of me asking the OP of this thread to provide a reasonable explanation as to how less than 24 hours of receiving a Vive allowed him to assess what will make or break the entire VR Industry.
But if you agree with his line of reasoning then I can answer all your questions with a simple copy n paste response, " I AM 100% correct about my opinions, you know why? Because they are my opinions."
05-05-2016 06:32 AM
05-05-2016 10:45 AM
brievolz84 said:
Well I do agree that @Zenbane is being a bit too exacting but he does have a point about customer service. As someone who has worked in the customer service field, customer service is simply how the company personally treats you. Everything else outside of the internal workings is PR.
Although I do think that Light room and Room scale are game changers, they certainly not game breakers. The current problem with these two technologies is that you are only allowed to move in a relatively small space and there is no real intuitive way to move around the entire map w/o some gamey hack. Once developers figure out that problem then we can safely assume that these two technologies will make or break the immersiveness of VR.
05-05-2016 11:51 AM
SpineDoc said:
brievolz84 said:
Well I do agree that @Zenbane is being a bit too exacting but he does have a point about customer service. As someone who has worked in the customer service field, customer service is simply how the company personally treats you. Everything else outside of the internal workings is PR.
Although I do think that Light room and Room scale are game changers, they certainly not game breakers. The current problem with these two technologies is that you are only allowed to move in a relatively small space and there is no real intuitive way to move around the entire map w/o some gamey hack. Once developers figure out that problem then we can safely assume that these two technologies will make or break the immersiveness of VR.
Yes that's a great point about moving around. Teleporting is ok, but it's still artificial. I would think that developers have to think outside the box and tailor their games to the amount of room you have. But somewhere, someone will invent a new paradigm. Just remember when everything was side scrolling and 2 dimensional, how different things were after 3 dimensions were introduced and how it changed gaming.
There is some tech demo of someone who showed that sticking one of the controllers in your pants would make the Vive believe you were walking, it was an interesting read. Maybe walking/running in place will be an alternative to larger spaces.