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ONLY THE 10,000 Request for a easy way to remove the specs warning message

How do I get rid of the message without hacking everything?  Can you please fix this.  I see this has been mentioned 5000 times in this forum but how about doing something about it.  I am sure John Carmack could whip together something that can check a single threads performance, or even the ability to just dismiss the message so it doesn't show in the OCULUS.  If there is a way, and the registry edits I saw don't work it seems, let me know.  Thanks.  

Rising Star
Really?  You are posting on the official Oculus forum asking for a hack to bypass the Health and Safety warning?

Nevermind, I see now that you meant the recommended specs message...

I think he said spec warnings? And maybe we didn't need another thread but I agree. It's embarrassing when people try out my Rift and there's a huge text saying my PC will ruin VR, simply because my CPU is ~3% under the recommended performance which makes no difference at all. After all these complaints they should definitely remove it. It's a very easy thing to do.

Now i do apologise but i don't know  how long this message stays on for - is it permanent?

However, we also have complaints by silly people saying "oh god, this still isn't ready, it makes you sick".

Politely explain to your friends why it is there Rifts. I'm sure they'll understand, if you explain it fully.  It may prevent them from rushing out and buying a laptop to power a new Rift.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3


andyring said:

Now i do apologise but i don't know  how long this message stays on for - is it permanent?

However, we also have complaints by silly people saying "oh god, this still isn't ready, it makes you sick".

Politely explain to your friends why it is there Rifts. I'm sure they'll understand, if you explain it fully.  It may prevent them from rushing out and buying a laptop to power a new Rift.

Yes, it stays permanently in huge font above the 'game selection box'. And also whenever you're loading into a game or app. I've explained to friends why it's there and they understand of course, but it's still a nuisance.

People will overclock their equipment which means Oculus have no idea if a computer will handle VR or not, so it should be removed or only show once.

Rifts said:

andyring said:

Now i do apologise but i don't know  how long this message stays on for - is it permanent?

However, we also have complaints by silly people saying "oh god, this still isn't ready, it makes you sick".

Politely explain to your friends why it is there Rifts. I'm sure they'll understand, if you explain it fully.  It may prevent them from rushing out and buying a laptop to power a new Rift.

Yes, it stays permanently in huge font above the 'game selection box'. And also whenever you're loading into a game or app. I've explained to friends why it's there and they understand of course, but it's still a nuisance.

People will overclock their equipment which means Oculus have no idea if a computer will handle VR or not, so it should be removed or only show once.

So it's not there when you're in a game?  It's no big deal then, i would have thought?

Very true about the overclocking - hadn't thought of that but, the warnings (all types) are for the protection of Oculus and the non-technical users.

Most people on here will be enthusiasts - i have no doubt there will be a lot of people getting a shock at home that their Rift doesn't work too well on the i3 laptop with integrated graphics.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3


andyring said:

Rifts said:

andyring said:

Now i do apologise but i don't know  how long this message stays on for - is it permanent?

However, we also have complaints by silly people saying "oh god, this still isn't ready, it makes you sick".

Politely explain to your friends why it is there Rifts. I'm sure they'll understand, if you explain it fully.  It may prevent them from rushing out and buying a laptop to power a new Rift.

Yes, it stays permanently in huge font above the 'game selection box'. And also whenever you're loading into a game or app. I've explained to friends why it's there and they understand of course, but it's still a nuisance.

People will overclock their equipment which means Oculus have no idea if a computer will handle VR or not, so it should be removed or only show once.

So it's not there when you're in a game?  It's no big deal then, i would have thought?

Very true about the overclocking - hadn't thought of that but, the warnings (all types) are for the protection of Oculus and the non-technical users.

Most people on here will be enthusiasts - i have no doubt there will be a lot of people getting a shock at home that their Rift doesn't work too well on the i3 laptop with integrated graphics.

It turns into a big deal when I've seen it 100+ times and its a false, very distracting warning. I'm sure a few people ordered a rift without meeting the specs and got shocked, but a warning in Oculus Home will not solve anything since they've already bought the product.

Expert Trustee
It's an irritation, but a very minor one at worst.  I don't even notice it anymore, it's not in the way, if you go looking for it then yeah you're going to see it.  But unlike many people my favorite hobby isn't finding ways to make myself pissed off.

Heroic Explorer
Yeah it's a bit annoying, but it's above where you'll normally be looking so it's not overly obtrusive. I'd like an option to disable it, but I don't think it's urgent.

Expert Protege
It's idiotic and should be a opt out box, especially because it's meaningless, being that its a simple checklist and not even an actual performance check, feels more like a Nvidia/Intel sales pitch.