A day late and a dollar short! If the plan was to bring VR to the masses, the plan is initially a complete failure. The actual reality is to bring VR to the GAMING masses. (No grudge against Gamers -- just saying) For the most part, only GAMERS will have Desktop PCs (and some laptops) with enough horsepower. Are you up on current technology trends and events!? The masses don't want to buy Desktops anymore. For many years now, most people buy laptops -- and that trend is trailing off as the masses are now going with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. No doubt your longer range plans are to both reduce the horsepower requirements and let the computing hardware horsepower catch up. For now though, after waiting more than a year with all of the build-up and fanfare for the Oculus Rift to finally be released, it is a great disappointment due to the hardware horsepower requirements which will prevent most people (like me) from enjoying this new VR product in all of its glory.
I don't think its a dissapointment. You pay for what you get and most people who want one of these will have a powerful enough pc anyhow. Minimum requirements are for gaming to give a great experience if you jut want cinema or facebook experiences i assume the min specs would be overkill. But you are right it is the gamers that want, need and would sell their nan to get a rig to run elite or pcars full spec in this baby.