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Oculus Trash Support

Just found out that I can not pay to get my Oculus repaired.  I am seriously feeling robbed.  I bought all those games and then bought the touch and was just about to by two more sensors for full room immersion.  Then my oculus goes out.  Now if I choose to stay in the VR community if I would have to buy another VR headset.  Looks like I will be buying a HTC Vive...since at the very least I can get it repaired if something were to go wrong.

Does anyone on here know who repairs Oculus'?

Rising Star
As far as I am aware neither HTC nor Steam will repair Vive's that are outside of warranty, not even for money.


As far as I am aware neither HTC nor Steam will repair Vive's that are outside of warranty, not even for money.

That is no longer true.  They sale replacement parts and there is a place not far from where I live that fixes HTC Vives

Honored Visionary
Somebody needs to come up an answer to this. If all these headset makers are confident in their hardware then a 3 year warranty is about right. You can get a 5 to 6 year warranty with televisions and most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty, so why do these headsets come with such a crappy warranty period? Maybe @cybereality can explain?

Rising Star

RedRizla said:

Somebody needs to come up an answer to this. If all these headset makers are confident in their hardware then a 3 year warranty is about right. You can get a 5 to 6 year warranty with televisions and most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty, so why do these headsets come with such a crappy warranty period? Maybe @cybereality can explain?

Most electronic devices come with 1 year in the USA and 2 Years in europe, televisions are hardly ever 5-6 years. The ones who offer more warranty are generally higher priced aswell. Besides 2 years in europe is hardly crappy warranty.


RedRizla said:

Somebody needs to come up an answer to this. If all these headset makers are confident in their hardware then a 3 year warranty is about right. You can get a 5 to 6 year warranty with televisions and most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty, so why do these headsets come with such a crappy warranty period? Maybe @cybereality can explain?

Most electronic devices come with 1 year in the USA and 2 Years in europe, televisions are hardly ever 5-6 years. The ones who offer more warranty are generally higher priced aswell. Besides 2 years in europe is hardly crappy warranty.

RedRizla said:

Somebody needs to come up an answer to this. If all these headset makers are confident in their hardware then a 3 year warranty is about right. You can get a 5 to 6 year warranty with televisions and most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty, so why do these headsets come with such a crappy warranty period? Maybe @cybereality can explain?

Most electronic devices come with 1 year in the USA and 2 Years in europe, televisions are hardly ever 5-6 years. The ones who offer more warranty are generally higher priced aswell. Besides 2 years in europe is hardly crappy warranty.

That is not the point.  The point is with a tv or whatever else electronic device you can "STILL" get it replaced in most situations.....with the Oculus that is NOT the case.  We invest in the product....but get dicked down on the option of repair.....not even so much as a discount to return the non functioning one for another.

Honored Visionary

RedRizla said:

Somebody needs to come up an answer to this. If all these headset makers are confident in their hardware then a 3 year warranty is about right. You can get a 5 to 6 year warranty with televisions and most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty, so why do these headsets come with such a crappy warranty period? Maybe @cybereality can explain?

Most electronic devices come with 1 year in the USA and 2 Years in europe, televisions are hardly ever 5-6 years. The ones who offer more warranty are generally higher priced aswell. Besides 2 years in europe is hardly crappy warranty.

Most high street stores in the UK have a 5 year warranty on a television. Richer Sounds in the UK even do a 6 year warranty on a television. You have to visit a rubbish store in the UK to only get a 1 year warranty on a television. But televisions aside most computer parts come with a 3 year warranty. Where not talking something like a toaster here that costs £30. These headsets aren't what you would call cheap and you can't get them repaired. I don't think you would be best pleased if your headset broke on the 13 month of your warranty.

Oculus don't even allow you to purchase just they HMD at present, so you have to buy the whole bundle again if your headset develops a fault. If your not going to offer a 3 year warranty or repairs, then at-least allow the old headset to be returned and given a discount on a new one.

Yeah...that is b's  so now you paid almost a grand for some damn headsets....This is how people get away from the VR community for this kind of b's.  They won't be getting my money after this.  The messed up thing is....that most of the community don't know this info.  

Honored Visionary
@juniormafia27 - Did you contact Customer Support to see if there was anything they could do for you?


RedRizla said:

@juniormafia27 - Did you contact Customer Support to see if there was anything they could do for you?

How do you think o found out about the you have to buy another one option?