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Oculus Trash Support

Just found out that I can not pay to get my Oculus repaired.  I am seriously feeling robbed.  I bought all those games and then bought the touch and was just about to by two more sensors for full room immersion.  Then my oculus goes out.  Now if I choose to stay in the VR community if I would have to buy another VR headset.  Looks like I will be buying a HTC Vive...since at the very least I can get it repaired if something were to go wrong.

Does anyone on here know who repairs Oculus'?

It is not apples and oranges.

Not applicable

It is not apples and oranges.

Yes it is - It's like saying Walmart doesn't have the ability to repair space ships? Come on, it's one of the biggest retail shops around the world. 

It's apples and oranges here. Facebook itself is a software company - not a hardware company. Even then, Facebook itself is a Ad company and a software platform. Oculus is a branch company and is the one dealing with the hardware side of things. Maybe understand what you are talking about first before really jumping the gun on another forum member please. 

As for bigger companies - always welcome to turn to them - but you understand that they also have about the same problems if not more problems compared to Oculus I hope.  We hear it all the time "I will just turn to Vive" - but then the grass on the other side is never really that much greener either. In fact - they have more issues that go unfix.


Mradr said:

It is not apples and oranges.

Yes it is - It's like saying Walmart doesn't have the ability to repair space ships? Come on, it's one of the biggest retail shops around the world. 

It's apples and oranges here. Facebook itself is a software company - not a hardware company. Even then, Facebook itself is a Ad company and a software platform. Oculus is a branch company and is the one dealing with the hardware side of things. Maybe understand what you are talking about first before really jumping the gun on another forum member please. 

As for bigger companies - always welcome to turn to them - but you understand that they also have about the same problems if not more problems compared to Oculus I hope.  We hear it all the time "I will just turn to Vive" - but then the grass on the other side is never really that much greener either. In fact - they have more issues that go unfix.

Look....I have made my point.....don't matter how you explain it.  It will not deter what my current thoughts were.  If my issue can't get solved.  Then it makes no since to continue to invest......period.  Or at least with Oculus.

Rising Star

Mradr said:

It is not apples and oranges.

Yes it is - It's like saying Walmart doesn't have the ability to repair space ships? Come on, it's one of the biggest retail shops around the world. 

It's apples and oranges here. Facebook itself is a software company - not a hardware company. Even then, Facebook itself is a Ad company and a software platform. Oculus is a branch company and is the one dealing with the hardware side of things. Maybe understand what you are talking about first before really jumping the gun on another forum member please. 

As for bigger companies - always welcome to turn to them - but you understand that they also have about the same problems if not more problems compared to Oculus I hope.  We hear it all the time "I will just turn to Vive" - but then the grass on the other side is never really that much greener either. In fact - they have more issues that go unfix.

Look....I have made my point.....don't matter how you explain it.  It will not deter what my current thoughts were.  If my issue can't get solved.  Then it makes no since to continue to invest......period.  Or at least with Oculus.

And no one is saying that that is wrong. Many here will fully agree with you that Oculus Support by email is slow and tedious but it is the only thing we have atm and thus the only thing we can refer you too.

Oculus isn't a multi billion dollar/euro company, regardless if it is owned by Facebook and thus does not have the funds to open up dozens of Repair shops around the globe. If they did, you would not be complaining here about "trash support".

Honestly, buying the bundle is a good way to get those extra 2 sensors, a pair of replacement touches and a new headset. It will come down in price to  this year.

but if you want to go with a Vive, then go with a Vive. No one is telling you not to, and frankly for this gen the Vive is just as good, just less comfortable.

While it won't help with the topic, I keep pitching the idea to Oculus for an HMD replacement program, where you send in your old headset (with no foam insert,headphones or cable), pay a reduced fee (maybe $150?) and get a new working one.

How 'bout it cyber?

As long as Oculus didn't lose money on the headset, and the old one was sent in (you could check the serial number against the account, then update the account with the new serial number), that would be acceptable for a lot of people who simply want to continue to use your product and tell others how great it is.

Honored Visionary
Why would you have to check serial numbers what's that got to do with anything? The new headset will work when you login to your account. They would have their hands full if they had to update peoples accounts. They are already quite slow with support so why make it even more difficult?

Edit: Oh, I get it you mean for warranty purposes?

They wanna know the serial number you have is the serial number on file with your account, at least they did with my touch controllers..., I'd imagine similar for the headset.

I have a second Rift and Touch controls and let someone borrow them before I used them.
Turned out the games that come with the touch controls are linked to an account on first use.
I had to get the guy I loaned them to to contact them, then show them the serial numbers on the box, then show them the serial numbers on the controllers, then show them a copy of the receipt in order to get those games moved to my account.

Anyway, maybe they don't need to switch the serial numbers..., doesn't affect my idea.

I purchased a SquareTrade extended warranty when I read an official Twitter response from them that they would cover it under the misc electronics category after the mfgr warranty expired, or in a case of accidental damage (if you made sure to add that to your warranty purchase). Its an expensive warranty for peace of mind for sure is still much less than purchasing the bundle again. Of course, you do need to purchase the extended warranty within 30 days of the HMD purchase and ensure you provide proof of purchase, but that is all expected.

Not applicable

Mradr said:

It is not apples and oranges.

Yes it is - It's like saying Walmart doesn't have the ability to repair space ships? Come on, it's one of the biggest retail shops around the world. 

It's apples and oranges here. Facebook itself is a software company - not a hardware company. Even then, Facebook itself is a Ad company and a software platform. Oculus is a branch company and is the one dealing with the hardware side of things. Maybe understand what you are talking about first before really jumping the gun on another forum member please. 

As for bigger companies - always welcome to turn to them - but you understand that they also have about the same problems if not more problems compared to Oculus I hope.  We hear it all the time "I will just turn to Vive" - but then the grass on the other side is never really that much greener either. In fact - they have more issues that go unfix.

Look....I have made my point.....don't matter how you explain it.  It will not deter what my current thoughts were.  If my issue can't get solved.  Then it makes no since to continue to invest......period.  Or at least with Oculus.

And no one is saying that that is wrong. Many here will fully agree with you that Oculus Support by email is slow and tedious but it is the only thing we have atm and thus the only thing we can refer you too.

Oculus isn't a multi billion dollar/euro company, regardless if it is owned by Facebook and thus does not have the funds to open up dozens of Repair shops around the globe. If they did, you would not be complaining here about "trash support".

Honestly, buying the bundle is a good way to get those extra 2 sensors, a pair of replacement touches and a new headset. It will come down in price to  this year.

but if you want to go with a Vive, then go with a Vive. No one is telling you not to, and frankly for this gen the Vive is just as good, just less comfortable.

Very much this with regards to getting a spare set of Touch controllers and a third (or fourth) sensor. I got myself another set of Touch controllers instead of a standalone sensor because the standalone sensors are overpriced and it might be useful to have a spare set of controllers handy just in case.

It should also be noted that if you get a Vive instead of another Rift that replacement Vive controllers and replacement Lighthouse base stations are over $100 EACH.

I honestly couldn't recommend that ANYONE gets a Vive over a Rift at this point. $200 more expensive, no built-in audio and not as comfortable as a Rift unless you spend ANOTHER $99, considerably more SDE and the displays and optics aren't as clear and sharp as they are on the Rift...

...And this is before Oculus reduce the price by ANOTHER $100/£100 at some time later this year.

Honored Visionary
@goldrush76 - A Twitter response from which company? Are we talking Oculus here because I never knew you could have an extended warranty that even covers you for accidental damage? I'm not sure the ribbon cable that kills your audio if it tears would be covered under accidental damage though.

I get that some electrical items only come with a 1 year warranty, but like I've already mentioned we are not talking something like a toaster here that costs £29.99, these headsets are not cheap and having to buy the whole bundle again is just silly. Oculus needs to come up with a cheap alternative to replacing just the headset or start offering repairs.