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Oculus and Windows 10?

Honored Guest
My DK2 will probably arrive in about 2 months and I already put together a gaming PC for it.
This machine will probably only be used for gaming and nothing else btw.

Now I'm wondering if I should just install Windows 8 on it or if I should wait 2 more months and install the newest Windows 10 version then. I also considered Windows 7, but since it won't get support for DirectX 12 this is probably not the best idea.

So has anyone of you any experience with the current Windows 10 preview/demo and Oculus Rift?
Are there any Demos that are not working or is everything fine?
500 REPLIES 500

"jefmes" wrote:
I truly can't be the only one who thinks it's unacceptable that there isn't a functional driver set available for the DK2 today, when Microsoft had the most free-for-all, largest user test base of any other Windows project in their history? For months on end? It's blowing my mind that the Oculus team couldn't assign ONE guy to at least get an alpha version together for the community with one of the previous Insider builds.

I don't think that would be smart. Personally I have enough with unstable runtimes and issues because of immature releases.

What bugs me so much is that they hyped windows 10 support so much, along with giving the impression that it would be natively supported. Now we see that it was just an exaggeration.
The question arises: Why the hype in the first place? They would have known that there is no substance behind it before making any of these bold claims.

Maybe Oculus is using this time to practice how they are going to be when they are a global supergiant.

I mean it's normal to release a development kit for developers to develop and not support them with driver sets, right?
DK1 | DK2
"The question isn't who is going to let me but rather who is going to stop me"

"jefmes" wrote:
I truly can't be the only one who thinks it's unacceptable that there isn't a functional driver set available for the DK2 today, when Microsoft had the most free-for-all, largest user test base of any other Windows project in their history? For months on end? It's blowing my mind that the Oculus team couldn't assign ONE guy to at least get an alpha version together for the community with one of the previous Insider builds.

I haven't had time to do any development on the DK2, so I've been putting my VR time towards helping those who have been creating by providing feedback, testing, etc...I'm diving straight into Windows 10 today on all my devices, and there are a ton of people out there doing the same. Every time I think Oculus has their act together, I start feeling again like they're a Mom and Pop company with a staff of 10 people.

Yes yes, be patient...

I'm mostly just irritated that I can't demo the DK2 to my co-workers this week now. And no, I'm not rolling back to Win8.1. I like 10, and everyone else has been preparing for it just fine.

I have always thought it ridiculous, since 10 became stable at thw turn of the year.

And anybody saying "be patient, win 10 isn't even released yet"

Er, exactly, nor is the rift, ao do you want your developers showing off your soon to be launched kit, with big performance improvements, on the OS it will be launched for? Seems a complete no brainer to me. What would have been more sensible, imo, would havw been to stop at,and move to win 10 completely.

Its beta software on pre release hardware, what better platform.

Honored Guest
I put off buying a dk2 for a while before/after release due to the facebook buyout then finally gave in when more games were supporting it. Now I think I've made the wrong decision as theirs no excuse for it not operating when windows 10 officially released. The oculus developers had plenty of time to work on this but I guess once the consumer version was announced they pushed the dk2 support to the side.

I know it's just a developer kit but it was an expensive dev kit surely part of what I paid could've been put forth to future proofing. Some people don't like to hear anyone complain which I usually don't but the issue evidently needs pushed on them to motivate them to make a solution.

Meh, whatever.

Yes, I would like to have Windows 10 on my machine. It's new, it's exciting and I want's it.

Coming from an angle of a dev with a game that is only half finished, my personal view on this is a little different.

Is Windows 10 going to suddenly implement new intractable NPCs in my opening scene? Nope. Is it going to assign creepy ambient music to my floating disabled space fighters? Nope. Will it help fix & improve the Ai on my enemy NPCs or import new player vehicle models for me on install? Nope.

Yes I want Windows 10, but what I want more is a finished game. I don't really care how shiny my OS is right now, I'm too busy bashing out code. Hell, I'd be happy to boot DOS right now and physically type cd\Unity -> Unity.exe if it meant I could carry on Deving!!

Having said that.... If my game was complete or very near to completion and I had just watched most of my none dev DK2 playerbase move over to Windows 10, OR I was in fact a none dev, Rift early adopter who had just installed windows 10 like most of the planet - I'm sure my outlook would be totally different....

Edit - what I would really like to know is where has my sig / avatar / messages / posts /friends have gone from the forum? And I have a name change now?
Lupus Solus - Lone developer of Push For Emor Push For Emor: Twitter:

Honored Guest
Just came here to download the windows 10 software for the oculus, to my surprise i couldn't find any !

I hope this is a joke and someone just forgot to upload those in time right ?

They partner with Microsoft and are not even able to provide support for their device at release date of windows 10 ??

How could they miss that ?

Windows 10 will be the quickest release to the masses, because even DAUs are able to upgrade their system them self, and it is for free!

Honored Guest
very dispointed right now with ouclus (i know there hard at work right now thats fine)

but they knew windows 10 was coming they new about how diect x 12 was gonna inprove vr headset support for mounths and mouths mircosoft have been bangging on about it for about 6 mouths and they still didnt get the sdk ready let alone that they dont even work with nivida to stop the sdk brakeing with every new update to the cards they do

my oppion of ouclus keeps falling lower and lower it seems like since the htc revive was accouned they been backtracking sidesteping rushing to compete with them they said for about two years no hand controls its a sitted expreance now all of a sudden its for sitting and standing and now hand controlers witch has messed everyone up how has or is consisdering getting a stem or a the numerus over devises

i understand this is new tec there bring to us i understand u cant get everything right but they really need to streamline this process more or i fear people are just gonna buy the over heads sets because u cant use ouclus rift if u dont have X grafixs driver installed or x verion of windows or x verion of this or x verion of that but dont update any of the drivers because it mess the hole thing right up when u know someone live valve gonna have updates out everytime it needs ones (look how offten stream updates )

so please ouclus team please get your software end up to par because without the software ur product is useless

Rising Star ... LEASE-READ

"Our software team is working as quickly as possible to complete Windows 10 compatibility with our SDK and the Oculus Runtime. As Windows 10 is not officially supported at this time, we strongly suggest that Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 owners do not upgrade from previous versions of Windows until we have the officially updated SDK and Oculus Runtime available."

At least we now have the assurance that Oculus still plans to support DK2 development into Win10. When that will actually happen is still anyone's guess, but I can breathe easier knowing I'll eventually be able to use my DK2 with Win10.
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.


Yesterday at 19:25 ... LEASE-READ

That POS post came out 7:30 PM last night. We have all known this day was coming for months. I am not going to let them off the hook because that comm should of been posted 1-2 months ago. This shows me that Oculus did not take this technical refresh seriously and now they are spinning damage control.

The ball was dropped and they should be taken to task unless you want to cover for them and then they are free to just tell the world to wait when ever they feel like it. Not exactly the behavior you would expect from a billion dollar company.

If I were Vive I would be smelling blood in the water and try to spin this.

I have to say I fall on the side of the users who were expecting Win10 support by launch. They've had plenty of time to work on this.

What does "Our software team is working as quickly as possible" even mean? That's a nonsensical statement. That could mean they'll have a solution tomorrow, or MONTHS from now.

Give us a timeline!! Be explicit! We're working on A/B/C, we expect to complete this by D! Come on! :roll:

I'm not anticipating many users will be sticking with older versions of Windows since so many of them are being pushed a free upgrade. Why Windows 10 support would come so late in the game, therefore, is a little baffling. You'd think they'd want to get a head start on that.