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Oculus has bigger things to deal with than our patience (Congress questions terms of service)


Looks like Congress is very interested in their privacy terms of agreement.

well... Since Oculus is part of the "Facebook" family, privacy is non existant.
Facebook has been reprimanded in some countries in Europe over privacy, but they didn't even care about it, due to that, i do not think that Oculus will be any different in that department. The amount of data they can gather from us, what we do in the rift etc, can be invaluable information to throw personalized advertisements in our face, just like Facebook is doing to us already for a long time.

Privacy doesn't exist on the internet anymore 😉  At least not for those who are normal users like most of us 🙂

On the other hand... i have nothing to hide, and to be honest i don't care that much on what they are collecting about me, most of it is already known anyway due to being online with other devices 😄

You'd almost think that Congress didn't have anything more important to do...

Expert Protege
Love the giving up of rights and freedom mentality of those who just don't care. One day they will hit you with something that you do care about and then it will be harder and harder to get back because people just don't care about their rights anymore. Well, a lot of people nowadays anyhow. 

"Nothing to hide". Does that also mean nothing to protect? For those who don't care, scan and post your credit cards in this thread. Show us how little you care.


Chewie71 said:

"Nothing to hide". Does that also mean nothing to protect? For those who don't care, scan and post your credit cards in this thread. Show us how little you care.

that's a bit out of context isn't it 🙂
but a valid point.

i mean, i don't mind that they know my name, and to what sites i browse, and for how long...
hell... once you know someones name, or IP you know where they live, with Google maps you can even see how my house looks like, what car i drive, who my wife is...

it is good that the government is trying to protect us of course.

BUT...on the other hand, how many of the "privacy fighters" share half of their personal life on Facebook 🙂
i'm NOT active on facebook at all... i do not see any reason to share the colour of my toiletpaper on the internet so to speak... LOL
Alot of people leave bigger personal privacy trails behind, al by themselves rather than with "hidden" data collection.

Expert Protege

Sloeri007 said:
BUT...on the other hand, how many of the "privacy fighters" share half of their personal life on Facebook 🙂

Do you mean those who fight for privacy or those who fight against privacy?

If you mean the former then you have missed the point. Someone choosing to share is different from being forced to share.

I'm bailing out 😉 dont want to start a privacy war in here ... Hehe
just want to add that i respect everyones opinion on this. 😉