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Oculus is losing the race

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The race to consumer VR is on and it seems many have joined the race.

There are many other examples. The race is hot!

Still the consumer version of Oculus Rift is nowhere in sight, after more than 2 years in development. We're all waiting for that killer VR experience on the PC, but Oculus seems to be spending a lot of effort on R&D.

Sure they might release the best VR headset that will be available to the consumer, but it will cost $400 while some cheap crap can be picked up for under $100. We all know the history of that sort of competition, the cheap crap wins every time.

In the end Oculus will have maybe 10% market share in VR devices. They will not be able to compete with a technology superior device that costs $400 vs. a $100 cheap clone for China that works just well enough.

In the beginning people are mostly curious about VR and not maybe ready to spend $400 for a HMD, but maybe $100 just to try out a cheap one.

3 years from now we'll look In retrospect and figure out what happened, but the answer is clear, Oculus waited too long to release a consumer VR headset and allowed everyone to play catch up and maybe beat them to the punch.

Time is running out, they have maybe less than 6 months to release a HMD.
107 REPLIES 107

"Snappahead" wrote:
It's still surprising to me that some people are apparently unaware of what the dk2 is before buying. There's so much info out there on it to see, yet people still seem to buy it and get disappointed. Oculus themselves tell people not to. If that's not a sign I don't know what is. If you're disappointed with the best commercially available vr hmd ever made, then you had unrealistic expectations IMO and that's on you, not the DK2 or Oculus.

This. This. This.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Expert Protege
"pedrw" wrote:
That's what I see

That's a shot from the dk1. It's too bad you can only see the negatives, but I'd recommend waiting for cv1..or 2. SDE will likely be gone or at least acceptably limited.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

"pedrw" wrote:
I was just saying that, after all, "the king is not wearing any clothes"

I think you are giving too much importance to what I say.

Dude, it's a development kit. It is meant to provide a test bed for tracking and game/sim optimization for developers. It is great for that - and much much more.

You bought a development kit and it isn't what you expected. Did you think Oculus was just trying to fake you out and keep you from buying it when they told people not to buy it if they aren't a developer?

You should sell your DK2 since it just upsets you and your friends.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Expert Protege
"pedrw" wrote:
I do not want to argue with fanatical and intolerant people ...

I am also a fan of OculusRift but that does not make me stay blind

Please. No one has acted inappropriately or attacked you. You don't need to play the victim card.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

"pedrw" wrote:
That's what I see

The DK1 uses a RGB pixel layout, which causes a noticeable sde (The above image is a DK1 screen).
The DK2 however, uses a diamond pixel architecture. Making the sde much less noticeable. Another advantage to this layout, is the display's natural anti-aliasing.

(PLEASE right click and open image in a new tab to view full)

BUT, if you still have an issue with the sde and don't mind modding your DK2, there are screen protectors you can get that basically eliminate sde
this video shows left screen natural, right - screen door effect filtered with two sheet Laminating Pouches

and before anyone says "well you shouldn't have to mod you product to get the best out of it" remember, this is called "Development Kit 2" not "Consumer Version 1" (CV1 from what i hear has sde under control too. Not noticeable unless you really stop and look for it. From what i hear anyways.)
But Oh, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes.

"EarlGrey" wrote:
The race to consumer VR is on and it seems many have joined the race.

There are many other examples. The race is hot!

Still the consumer version of Oculus Rift is nowhere in sight, after more than 2 years in development. We're all waiting for that killer VR experience on the PC, but Oculus seems to be spending a lot of effort on R&D.

Sure they might release the best VR headset that will be available to the consumer, but it will cost $400 while some cheap crap can be picked up for under $100. We all know the history of that sort of competition, the cheap crap wins every time.

In the end Oculus will have maybe 10% market share in VR devices. They will not be able to compete with a technology superior device that costs $400 vs. a $100 cheap clone for China that works just well enough.

In the beginning people are mostly curious about VR and not maybe ready to spend $400 for a HMD, but maybe $100 just to try out a cheap one.

3 years from now we'll look In retrospect and figure out what happened, but the answer is clear, Oculus waited too long to release a consumer VR headset and allowed everyone to play catch up and maybe beat them to the punch.

Time is running out, they have maybe less than 6 months to release a HMD.

Oculus knows how far along its partners are in developing their games and I think it is obvious that they would wait until they have games that deliver experiences they think are consumer ready. Sony will do the same. Everyone else can demo all the HMD technology they want, content is just not there.

$100 dollar gaming headsets with todays tech are dead before they even launch. The experience will suck and it will make you sick. Worst of all its going to make the average user hate VR.

Oculus hasn't quoted a firm price yet but their target is $300 not $400. That is within reason of the average price of a PC gaming quality monitor. Their target audience is not going to freak out and not adopt this tech because of the price.

Expert Protege
"PyroSteel" wrote:

The DK1 uses a RGB pixel layout, which causes a noticeable sde (The above image is a DK1 screen).
The DK2 however, uses a diamond pixel architecture. Making the sde much less noticeable. Another advantage to this layout, is the display's natural anti-aliasing.

I don't think that Oculus is losing the race. They are creating a market. There are a lot of layers that they are building simultaneously.

My main issue with the currently available developer prototype (DK2) is the sub-pixels. I wish the DK2 had square, uniformly colored pixels. This is not the same as using a screen protector. Screen protectors blur between pixel boundaries whereas uniform pixels are simply a single color with discrete edges. I know this is possible because I have an old iPad2 (non-retina display I think) and an iPhone5 (retina display) and both of them have solid, uniformly colored pixels; at least when viewed through the DK2. Yes, the pixel borders (Screen Door Effect) are still present, but it is a lot less noticeable when the sub-pixels are not-visible.

I do not say this to be critical of the Rift; but I am hopeful that the CV1 will be better. As someone who is investing time and money building content for the device, I want the device to be the best it can be.

Also, I had not noticed this until I saw your side-by-side; but it does seem that demos in the Rift tend to be more red. I had noticed an "off" feeling to the colors in general, but in your side-by-side it really shows that the red channel takes over.

Expert Protege
I'm sure once CV1 is released we'll all be opening champagne bottles :mrgreen:

Expert Protege
"EarlGrey" wrote:
I'm sure once CV1 is released we'll all be opening champagne bottles :mrgreen:

And hoping people actually buy our launch titles! 😄

Expert Protege
"pedrw" wrote:
"HappyHimitsu" wrote:
"pedrw" wrote:

I'm a big fan of Oculus Vr and Oculus Rift, and believe in the future of VR, but I do not like being made ​​of idiot...

I really think perhaps you are not understanding what is going on here.
The DK2 that you have is still a prototype of consumer hardware that doesn't exist yet, and will see some considerable improvements before it hits the shelves.
It has been said that Crescent Bay has all but solved the screen door issue, so I really don't understand what your issue is there.
Nobody is trying to make you look like an idiot, you should have understood fully well what you were buying into; it's on you if you didn't take the time to do some proper research before spending your money.

You fell here parachuting ???

I hate this habit some people have of getting in conversations without first reading all that was spoken...

Or maybe you have difficulty understanding...

I read every single word of the thread before I made my comment, and it stands (you are posting on a public forum; it makes little sense to be surprised by "random" people chiming in).

After coming back today and reading the rest of the thread, I am starting to think you are a guy with bigger issues than the Rift, and are unlikely to be fully capable of understanding what people are trying to get across to you.
Your comments don't make any sense pedrw; they are the broken concepts of a childish mentality that is blinded by its own belligerence.
If you can't see what people are trying to guide you to terms with (the SDE and low resolution have been talked about extensively; it is your fault that you weren't aware of the issues), why not give up your DK2 to somebody who appreciates it rather than come here and complain that you were tricked or treated unfairly?

You have to understand, you are just making yourself look silly.
“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all.” (~I really gotta remember this shiz~) ― Yogi Bhajan