01-05-2017 11:05 AM
01-05-2017 11:35 AM
01-05-2017 12:00 PM
01-05-2017 12:16 PM
01-05-2017 12:17 PM
01-05-2017 05:54 PM
01-06-2017 05:35 AM
bizjer said:
appreciated that you can always use different cans but to offer any kind of servicing for faults on a new unit seems like a s''t stance. I'm in the UK and I'm certain that that kind of practice is outlawed here. If its broken within a month or even a year of purchase they need to step up. It would be deemed not fit for purpose.
I suppose how it broke would be relevant. Most manufacturers warranty's don't cover accidental damage and certainly not malicious damage. (Im also in the UK)
If you accidentally sat on it for example and it broke, I'm sure its 'purpose' was not to be sat on so if it broke its not really a quality issue as it was not sold as a chair.
Some retailers sell extra warranty over and above the manufacturers warranties which can add an insurance protecting you from accidental damage etc of course as well.
ashdub was prepaired to pay to have it repaired, so whether it was covered by warranty or not didn't seem too relevant. I think it is bad that no option for that exists... but since Oculus seems to have resolved this in a way that makes ashdub happy, then I am both happy for ashdub, and also happy to see that Oculus does appear to have accepted his/ her dilemma and taken it upon themselves to sort it out.
Well done !
I suppose one course of action where you damage something fairly expensive in your home and no option of repair exists, would be to claim off your home contents insurance... assuming you have a policy and they would have to replace it.
01-06-2017 06:19 AM
01-06-2017 07:30 AM
Arock387 said:
what did you do to change their minds on the replacement?
01-06-2017 09:46 AM