By the end of this week, we'll have shipped over 16,000 DK2s worldwide.
To those still waiting for your kits to arrive, thank you for your continued patience. We’re doing what we can to get your DK2 to you as quickly as possible.
To those who have already received their kits, we hope you’re enjoying experimenting, building, and creating new VR experiences. A special thank you for everyone’s help testing the latest SDK. We know it’s still rough around the edges, and we’re squashing bugs as quickly as we can. Watch for an update to the SDK in the near future.
Mate, no one gives a shit about your "project". Just because you have some "project" doesn't mean you are entitled to jump the cue. The kits are meant to be sent out on a first come first served based, not prioritized because you think your need is greater than anyone else's or because you think you live in a "more important" country than someone else.
Oceania was WELL behind other regions and it I find it completely fair your order was delayed so that people who ordered MONTHS before you could get their's instead. Obviously your self entitled stance doesn't agree with this. Tough titties.
Girls, stop the fighting. We come to this thread to see if anyone have updates on what region/order date got a status update. That way we can gauge our own and possibly guesstimate our own order. So let's drop the useless none sense and somebody PLEASE post if your order status changed.
Ahhh living in AUS is great aye? No-one ever gets their rift, AUS is like 3 weeks behind. When I ordered mine it said in August it would come, I've waited 3 months since I actually ordered and still none. At least im not in China or Korea though...
My order: Date: Aug 16, 2014 09:06 PM PDT Status:PENDING:Your order is pending. Please see the reason(s) below.
Detail(s): Your order is awaiting inventory before it can be fulfilled. We will notify you when it's about to be shipped. Your order is currently back-ordered