08-08-2014 10:33 AM
08-14-2014 06:44 PM
"n8rockerasu" wrote:"Kzero" wrote:
What he means is that OVR had already shipped units to EU up to a date (not sure on numbers, so i'll just say March 26th, while US orders are still at March 19th). When this batch went out, he was expecting some to be shipped to the US to catch up to that March 26th date, but instead theoy shipped even more to EU. Essentially, making EU ahead.
That's what he's saying, lol.
All right. I can appreciate your attempt at mediating. So, I'll tell you why he's wrong. As of last Friday, OVR had shipped 16,000 DK2s. It is generally known that more DK2 orders were placed in North America than anywhere else. So, if we just throw a number out there like 8,000 (it could be 6,000...who knows. Just trying to keep the math clean) orders being placed in NA by 3/21. Whereas, 4,000 orders in Europe may cover through 3/27.
So, when OVR fills those orders (out of that 16,000 they shipped already), it will APPEAR that Europe is "ahead" based on the dates...when in actuality, North America received more DK2s. Let's say they DID do another NA batch right away after this. Assuming the batch is the same size (which would be smart on OVR's part for cost reasons), that would give NA 16,000 DK2s shipped with Europe still only having 4,000.
So, despite whatever unfounded claim he wants to make, it is extremely unlikely that "other regions are ahead". I maintain the belief that this additional Europe/Asia shipment was to legitimately balance out the numbers a little better so that the next NA shipment can be fairly large without obscenely tipping the scales in NA's favor.
I just ask people to keep a level head and consider what's more likely: my above scenario...or that OVR doesn't care about Its NA customers, lol.
08-14-2014 06:48 PM
"finnbee" wrote:
Date: Apr 3, 2014 09:52 AM PDT
Status:PROCESSING:Your order has been checked out for shipping and will be shipped in the next batch. We'll send you a notification once it's shipped.
Location: UK
08-14-2014 06:52 PM
"davidjc" wrote:
God please are you serious? You are blatantly and dancing around the issue. European CUSTOMERS are being given preferential treatment. They are getting their orders AHEAD of everyone else.
08-14-2014 06:53 PM
"stealthguy" wrote:"finnbee" wrote:
Date: Apr 3, 2014 09:52 AM PDT
Status:PROCESSING:Your order has been checked out for shipping and will be shipped in the next batch. We'll send you a notification once it's shipped.
Location: UK
Oh come on OVR... Are you shipping to other places still? I only see UK and EU shipments...
Best Regards,
08-14-2014 06:56 PM
"stealthguy" wrote:"finnbee" wrote:
Date: Apr 3, 2014 09:52 AM PDT
Status:PROCESSING:Your order has been checked out for shipping and will be shipped in the next batch. We'll send you a notification once it's shipped.
Location: UK
Oh come on OVR... Are you shipping to other places still? I only see UK and EU shipments...
Best Regards,
08-14-2014 06:57 PM
"davidjc" wrote:"n8rockerasu" wrote:"Kzero" wrote:
What he means is that OVR had already shipped units to EU up to a date (not sure on numbers, so i'll just say March 26th, while US orders are still at March 19th). When this batch went out, he was expecting some to be shipped to the US to catch up to that March 26th date, but instead theoy shipped even more to EU. Essentially, making EU ahead.
That's what he's saying, lol.
All right. I can appreciate your attempt at mediating. So, I'll tell you why he's wrong. As of last Friday, OVR had shipped 16,000 DK2s. It is generally known that more DK2 orders were placed in North America than anywhere else. So, if we just throw a number out there like 8,000 (it could be 6,000...who knows. Just trying to keep the math clean) orders being placed in NA by 3/21. Whereas, 4,000 orders in Europe may cover through 3/27.
So, when OVR fills those orders (out of that 16,000 they shipped already), it will APPEAR that Europe is "ahead" based on the dates...when in actuality, North America received more DK2s. Let's say they DID do another NA batch right away after this. Assuming the batch is the same size (which would be smart on OVR's part for cost reasons), that would give NA 16,000 DK2s shipped with Europe still only having 4,000.
So, despite whatever unfounded claim he wants to make, it is extremely unlikely that "other regions are ahead". I maintain the belief that this additional Europe/Asia shipment was to legitimately balance out the numbers a little better so that the next NA shipment can be fairly large without obscenely tipping the scales in NA's favor.
I just ask people to keep a level head and consider what's more likely: my above scenario...or that OVR doesn't care about Its NA customers, lol.
God please are you serious? You are blatantly and dancing around the issue. European CUSTOMERS are being given preferential treatment. They are getting their orders AHEAD of everyone else.
This is not open to debate and you yourself admitted to this. This has already been covered earlier in this thread. You are purposely ignoring the obvious. I don't know if you are European or not but man this is rich. It's not a difficult concept to grasp which is why I have my doubts you are being sincere in your responses and not trolling.
We are talking about individual customers, and not countries. And a bias against customers based on geographic location. You do not send out 15k to two countries when one has ordered only 15k and the other 45k.
Out of 15k for the smaller country that is people who ordered from start to finish
Out of 15K for the larger country that is only the first 1/3 of orders, encompassing the first few days of ordering.
Hence the discrepancy, and we see it bloody obvious. If you ordered in one location you get your order earlier than the other. I am sick of this do not send out orders equally to REGIONS as the only determining factor. Send them out to the different regions in proportions that (as much as possible) correspond to the number of people ordering during the different time periods.
Simple math for you! Try to follow along.
If In Europe there were 15k orders, 5k of which were ordered on day one
If in North America there were 50k orders, 15k of which were ordered on day one
North America would receive 3 times as many units as Europe to best match the order schedule. Somehow you miss this very simple logic. I am certain that OVR understands this, but it amazes me how some people like you seem to think screwing over people is fine as long as its not you. This is simple stuff, there is no "grey" area for debate. North American customers are being treated unequally in distribution.
The only thing that keeps me from truly going off the handle is the fact I am almost certain that this was an oversight and NOT intentional. Let us hope that OVR is not on the same page as you. It was not what they promised us when they said people(SEE HERE PEOPLE, ALL PEOPLE regardless of where you live) would be in the que so that people would get their orders accordingly.
They need to stop European orders and let the other regions catch up and keep their word to their customers. There is no debating the fact that NA orders are behind European orders. And you know it.
08-14-2014 06:59 PM
08-14-2014 07:08 PM
"afwoal" wrote:
Order ID: HQ-6106xxx
Date: Mar 25, 2014 01:01 PM PDT
Status:READY:We've successfully processed the payment and information for your order. It will be shipped as soon as the items are available in stock.
08-14-2014 07:11 PM
"Las3r" wrote:
So. IF They have 20k orders in Europe and they ship it in a container should they only fill the container half full to please you?? God , use your brain.,,,
08-14-2014 07:12 PM