By the end of this week, we'll have shipped over 16,000 DK2s worldwide.
To those still waiting for your kits to arrive, thank you for your continued patience. We’re doing what we can to get your DK2 to you as quickly as possible.
To those who have already received their kits, we hope you’re enjoying experimenting, building, and creating new VR experiences. A special thank you for everyone’s help testing the latest SDK. We know it’s still rough around the edges, and we’re squashing bugs as quickly as we can. Watch for an update to the SDK in the near future.
Annnnd...just got my "Ready To Ship" email as well.
3/26 @ 12:46 AM PDT US (TN to be exact)
So, they're up to what, almost a week of NA orders with this one batch? Seems like a pretty large batch. One might even say it's leveled things out quite a bit. Hmm...kind of funny how that worked. 🙂
Ok, Oculus estimated my Rift will be shipped in July. That being the case, they were technically correct up until July 31. Looking back at all this craziness, they were only off by 14 days (2 weeks) yet people on here were acting like little kids who's mom took their lollipop away. In the words of 100's of poster before me... "It will come when it will come" 😄
Email received 11:00 PM You're receiving this email because your Oculus Order #GR-0107xxx is about to ship. Since the full balance has been paid, you should not see any additional charges.
Order ID: GR-0107xxx (Paypal) Date: Mar 26, 2014 11:40 AM PDT Status: READY Location: Maryland
Oculus Rift - DK2
Order ID: GR-0107XXX
Date: Mar 26, 2014 11:40 AM PDT
Status: DELIVERED (8/22/14 @ 4:52 PM)
Do you even VR, bro?
Status:READY:We've successfully processed the payment and information for your order. It will be shipped as soon as the items are available in stock.
So completely happy to see this email!
I've been watching this thread for about a week and have successfully kept myself from commenting until now. Now that orders are rolling in the US again, I sincerely hope some of the posters that have been acting like it's been the end of the world that someone in Poland got their DK2 before they did come off the ledge now. It's like a bunch of 5 year olds that can't have a cookie because they're about to eat dinner in a hour... "But, I want it NOOOOOWWWW", then crumbles onto the floor to kick and scream. It's truly sad. I almost feel sorry for them.
Order ID: GR-6107XXX Date: Mar 28, 2014 06:43 AM PDT
Status: Ready: We've successfully processed the payment and information for your order. It will be shipped as soon as the items are available in stock.