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Ok, so this is the Ultimate VR Chair :)

I need that (and the house which go around):

“Dreams feel real while we are in them, it's only when we wake up that we realize something was strange.” - Dom Cobb

"Be careful, if you are killed in real life you die in VR too." - TD_4242

I7 10700K,  RTX 4070 TI Super, 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz, Oculus Rift CV1 and Quest 3


I don't like to be negative, but it would appear that unless they find another way of holding your legs in place, the use of rudder/car pedals is going to be near on impossible.

Having said that, it does look like an amazing piece of kit, albeit maybe out of the range of even the most avid/crazy VR enthusiast.

Do you know how much it is likely to cost?  😉

That's cool n' all, but at that point I would rather just drive my ass to a real theme park  😄

That's what we need in the arcades of 2017.

A shed load of them and 4K VR with a 180 degree FOV.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

I agree, arcades are boring now, I remember as a kid Outrun and Space Harrier blowing me away; now it's just whack a mole or teddy grabbing machines....

Not applicable

Atmos73 said:

I wonder what the shipping costs are going to be for one of those.

As the old saying goes, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it!" :smiley:

There's a lot of safety concerns with something like this.
Sega had the R360 cabinet, not movement, just rotation. But their safety stuff included:
Main safety feature is that this was a attended ride, as in that there
had to be an attendant present for you to play the game. The attendant
monitored the machine and the game from a control tower next to the
unit, which had an emergency stop button on it.
Also, if the player
hits the big red stop button inside the cockpit all motion stops,
however, the cockpit does'nt immediately bring itself to the upright
position. It just stops right where it is (so the player could be left
hanging upside down if that's when the button was pressed). When the
cockpit stops, a loud buzzer inside the attendant's tower sounds and an
error message flashes on the attendant's tower monitor that says the
Emergency Stop Button was pressed. The attendant needs to check that all
is safe, and then press the Enter button on the attendant's control
panel. This will cause the cockpit to move to the upright position and
go to game over.
It has a full rollercoaster type harness, pulls over shoulders and clips in place with a seatbelt between your legs.
had a fence 1 meter away all around it and sensor grid on the main
platform that stops all movement if anyone approached the machine while
moving, as it would be incredibly dangerous to anyone who got near it
and could easily kill someone or decapitate them.
Is also has a sensor on the main entrance to the ride so that if your arm or leg went outside of the cockpit it would stop.

Also, that shield on the left doesn't look like it's big enough to stop you reaching past it, resulting in your arm being broken or ripped off if it then does a spin.

Now for controls. As greyman pointed out, no rudder/accelerator pedals. It's using a warthog joystick but has no throttle! Also no steering wheel.

So it's a massively expensive and large device that isn't suited to serious flight, space or racing simulation.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Heroic Explorer
also there will be like 4 games to support it

The R360 was cool. It's the only time I've looked around while playing an arcade game and realized the wold was upside down...

Heroic Explorer
I'll get it when the standard height of a house is 4 meters or so.