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Okay.. so now im getting a little annoyed :P (Vive/Oculus)

Honored Guest
Alright, I love Oculus, been keeping up with them since the beginning and I have a preorder for May. I had been loosely following the Vive for a while but i kind of wrote it off because I didnt think they could compete with the Rift. HTC and Valve have just been killing it with coverage and open business practices. Every VR video I see has a Vive in it and I get really excited watching all the Node videos but I question if the Rift will be able to do all these things that the Vive is doing? Where are all the CV1 videos with devs talking about it and showing off Touch demos? Seems like everything is behind closed doors and that really sucks when HTC is show boating their HMD and motion controllers with style. And its really starting to look appealing... I now have both HMD's preordered, but am holding out on canceling one.

So which is better? I know the specs are practically the same, but which tracking system is better? Will I have a good seated experience with the Vive or will I have to move the light houses to better accommodate a seated experience?
I have plenty of room for room scale, roughly 280 sq ft. I want to play cloudlands mini golf when im having friends over for a party, then switch to my HOTAS setup and play some ED. Its just frustrating because I want to light a fire under Oculus' ass so they'll start showing some demos. This is crucial, im sure they are losing customers because they have been so quite. If Palmer would just make a 2 minute video of the CV1 being able to work in roomscale im sure that would see so many more units.

Expert Protege
oculus with touch is definitely better, the part now comes in with the gameplay, most people are getting the vive as well(like me) because the games on the vive will mostly be about moving around, while the rift will be seated games, if the rift had both moving and seated games I wouldn't order the vive, since the touch is way better than the vive's controller.

Honored Guest
Thats the thing though, I like the Touch ergonomics, but ive heard that they lose oclusion more so than the Vive controllers because of how they are built. All the coverage shown of the Vive controllers are crazy good, like in this video posted by someone else on the forums

I dont even like the look of the Vive controllers, but i cant argue that the performance are top notch. Show me some footage of Touch doing the same thing. This is why oculus is dropping the ball, the Touch controllers are probably just as capable but they arent showing any proof! I want to believe it aint so, but the Vive is looking better and better 😞

Expert Protege
"in6seconds" wrote:
oculus with touch is definitely better, the part now comes in with the gameplay, most people are getting the vive as well(like me) because the games on the vive will mostly be about moving around, while the rift will be seated games, if the rift had both moving and seated games I wouldn't order the vive, since the touch is way better than the vive's controller.

This is opinion based on nothing. Take it and anyone else's 2 cents with a grain of salt until these are actually in people's hands.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

Not applicable
As far as we know, the Vive tracking capability is better than the Rift. You can nicely use it seated as well. Since lightouses are just swiping lasers at almost 180°degrees angle, I doubt you will even have to move your setup to fit both seated/room-scale experience. If you can see the front panel of your lighthouse when you are on your desk, you will be tracked. No matter where around you.

But somehow, I feel like getting the Rift is the safest bet. You will have access to all the " exclusives " on Oculus Home, and also have access to games from SteamVR. Plus, the Touch seems to be really more intuitive, and they're planning to keep it for the next generation; that's why ( in part ) they delayed it.

At this point, this is just a guessing game. If you can't decide with your head, let your heart do the job 😉

After reading as much as I could find I've come to the same conclusion. The Touch controllers themselves are way nicer than the Vive's, but the Vive tracking technology is next gen compared to the Rifts. I don't think Touch will ever work in a room size environment. Maybe 2x2 meters works for standing games, but even then they seem to have problems with motion blur on the sensor cameras if you move your hand too fast.

I wish I'd bought a DK2, then I could stick with that for another year, but now is definitely the time to own something. I am going to buy the Rift because there are many more AAA games for it out of the box, Vive really only has mini-games and tech demos for now. I can see myself swapping to a Vive (or CV2?) in a year or so when people have had time to bring out some AAA hand tracking games.

Rising Star
its my opinion rifts tracking and controllers are better

cant have reflections/mirrors with Vive lighthouse

and the "wand" style vive is not better than the finger style of touch

edit and now watching a brand new video of the Vive, I am unsure which is best too

Honored Guest
Well we only have a few weeks left to make our decision, so who knows what's going to happen until then. All I know is the vive is looking more and more enticing every day and it just feels so wrong haha. Like I'm going to betray a friend or something.

One thing I just noticed is that Vive seems to be using teleporting to move around. I saw one mention of walking (old school press W style) seemed to make people feel awkward/nauseous. If the only shooters are going to be Hover Junkers style then adventure/RPG games will be pretty restricted.

Maybe standing is actually more restrictive in a way.

Expert Protege
I just saw the teleporting to a new room on the vive too, I really don't like that idea, they should come up with a new way instead of teleporting.