I am curious if others see this or what they might think. Here lately, more often than not, when booting up my PC for the first time of the day I will have one sensor showing an error. Does not matter what I do in Windows, restart the Oculus Service, restart Oculus Home, it stays showing this error and not tracking. However I can unplug the usb of the sensor, plug it right back in, and bam it is working fine. And it will continue to work fine pretty much the rest of the day. ( as long as I don't shut pc down).
This seemed to have started mostly lately. I am now running Rift Core 2.0 ( started when it was released), and got the Windows 10 Creators Update around that same time. Don't know if either of those have anything to do with it.
I checked the drivers for the two sensors, and they are dated Aug of 2016. Don't know if that is relevant either. Of course it is not big deal to just unplug it and plug back in and go, but just bothers me that it is happening so much lately and was a rarity previously. I have had my Rift for right at a year.
I am running the Rift through a Innatek powered USB 3.0 card, always have. Power management is disabled through the Oculus Tray Tool. ( it never drops out, just often not connected on first boot of PC). I did disable hybrid shutdown, so my Windows 10 does a full shutdown, did not seem to help any.
I also get this error on every start up. Either sensor tracking error or headset HDMI not plugged in (or something). It doesn't bother me as I simply show the headset to the sensors and its all good again. Possibly the sensors are not seeing the headset on boot up. I hang my headset under a shelf so its possible both the headset and one sensor cannot see each other.