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PS4 Pro and VR

Rising Star
Before I bought a rift I traded my boring IPad Pro for PSVR 🙂 and that was a great move - my original PS4 played VR just fine and compared to rift it was pretty crap. The rift is just amazing not one regret, love the content and medium and Quill and so much other stuff. Yesterday I traded my old PS4 and a slowed iPad mini for a PS4 pro and just to really let you guys know it's so worth it - man all PSVR is amazing like serious so much difference RE7 is just insane, Wipe out and Farpoint - Farpoint was a big difference like night and day really. So .. what I'm saying is get a PS4 pro if you have PSVR it's really cool. 

Just the only issue left is the silly move controllers for PSVR.. oh well 

The aim controller is really cool - very nice price of tech. 

Love the rift and a stronger VR community the better 🙂

Not applicable
I'm still hoping that we'll see a PC VR port of Resident Evil 7 at E3 from Capcom. After the unmitigated disasters that were 5 and 6 it seems like 7 is bringing the Resident Evil franchise back to good quality. 😄

Expert Trustee
Yeah they have to make Resident Evil VR for the PC!!! It so needs to happen!!! Why are they keeping us waiting! Can someone message them on twitter? Thanks.
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!

Im waiting for the next gen with consoles, i thinking that will really take off. And they will no doubt have much better games. 

Honored Visionary
With the news of Sony actively investing in a new Motion Tracking system (with the news of their new patent) I was thinking that this would be a path towards inclusion with the proposed PS5 (currently in dev kit). But I think that we need to wait till E3 to see the reality of if there will be continued support by Sony in VR. There are rumors that the corporation may be easing back its investment in this sphere, happy with the sales, but undecided about its short-term future potential.

Much of this will be reflected in how their main console competitor (MS) presents their future console VR strategy - and if as suggested it is a non-starter - then we will see a major shift in how this sphere of investment continues. "The Out-of-Home Immersive Entertainment Frontier: Expanding Interactive Boundaries in Leisure Facilities"

Expert Protege
Nice bartering :). I'm still waiting for further price drops but I'm looking forward to picking up a psvr playing a few psvr games when the new ace combat drops :). 

I'm pretty sure they used the Move as they already have the tech from when everyone thought motion controls were the next big thing in pancake gaming :). 

 @kevinw729  There was a rumour that ps5 would have dedicated VR hardware built in. The same rumour also suggested that it may still release in 2018 so it may not be the most reliable :). I hope Microsoft does have a console VR strategy...

Honored Visionary

kilobulb said:

@kevinw729  There was a rumour that ps5 would have dedicated VR hardware built in. The same rumour also suggested that it may still release in 2018 so it may not be the most reliable :). I hope Microsoft does have a console VR strategy...

Yeah, @k@kilobulb
There were a lot of rumors circulating that the PS5 was going to have this or that - even heard rumors that it was going to be a modular platform with interchangeable components like a PC. Boosting GPU and the like.

To be frank, the VR console scene has not matured in a direction that would make betting on a dedicated VR component to the PS5 worth while - the current dev-kits for the PS5 (hardware performance emulation only) [image] have no VR element - and though a 2019 reveal date looks more likely, whatever the issue - VR will be a peripheral, if incorporated at all.

It will be the E3 confirmation of rumor that the XBoneX has no VR support that will prove to be a decisive moment in the consumer VR scene - though again rumors swirl of a possible peripheral manufacturer promoting a WinMR integration box - I think its fair to say that the VR love affair in the console scene is taking a hiatus.

pinbi3z2fd5p.png "The Out-of-Home Immersive Entertainment Frontier: Expanding Interactive Boundaries in Leisure Facilities"

Rising Star
I think the console entry point is the fastest way to enter VR - the aim controller is a device that is really well designed and fun to use. I think that PSVR isn't going anywhere. The controller setup is silly atm but the best part is all the technology is simple and effective. For the price on the other hand when I bought it was very expensive. The only real limitations for all VR is hardware like GPU scaling and hitting 90-120 fps and matching this with geometric value.

Expert Trustee
I have been enjoying the rift, so much in fact that i am now looking at the PSVR to add to my VR gaming but i am on the fence about it over some things like how is the screen door effect, after the res of the rift will i notice the difference on image quality with the PSVR.
CV1/Vive-knuckles)/Dell Vr Visor/Go/Quest II/ PSVR/PSVR 2.