03-17-2016 02:57 PM
03-17-2016 03:50 PM
03-17-2016 03:50 PM
"christopherbarnhouse" wrote:"ebone260" wrote:
"But yet they force people to buy an XboxOne controller? That's even worse.
This has been covered ad nauseum, the xone controller added NOTHING to the cost.
03-17-2016 03:53 PM
03-17-2016 03:56 PM
"flyingsaucers" wrote:"christopherbarnhouse" wrote:"ebone260" wrote:
"But yet they force people to buy an XboxOne controller? That's even worse.
This has been covered ad nauseum, the xone controller added NOTHING to the cost.
Yes, it does. It's not as simple as "xb1 controller = +$25 to your checkout total" but in the grand scheme, it will add to the cost via licensing arrangements w/ MS that derail one roadmap in favor of another. If Oculus weren't bundling xbox pads, do you think they'd be launching Rift w/out Touch? Nope. They sure as heck aren't partnering with Sony or Razer or Madcatz, they're not building their own controller, and they're not releasing an HMD without an input device. Meanwhile, the staggered release of Touch means that, when it finally comes out, we'll all be paying more, if only because we're getting hit twice for shipping.
There's nothing for free in this business.
p.s. - if Palmer hadn't dropped that line about "forcing people to buy controllers they might not even be interested in," I'd be willing to cut him some slack. Just be real with us. You're forcing an xb pad on me because, in the long run, the licensing with MS is necessary to jumpstart VR. That's fine. I'm cool with that. But don't treat us like idiots.
03-17-2016 04:03 PM
"soxfan335" wrote:
It's like they never talked to anyone smart in their lives or something.
03-17-2016 04:09 PM
03-17-2016 04:29 PM
"Percy1983" wrote:
1, Roomscale not an option
2, Lighter more comfortable HMD
3, Better screens/optics
4, Better hand controllers (Ok they are not in the box at launch
5, High quality integrated audio
Please tell me how my 5 points above are invalid.
03-17-2016 04:38 PM
"tranceology3" wrote:
I can't tell you how many people try to argue that room scale is just a gimmick, and we have proof that standing up in games fails - they say, just look at Kinect, PSmove, etc... But the biggest misconception here is those tracking features were used in front of a 2D screen that you were limited to.
03-17-2016 04:48 PM
"greeneblitz" wrote:
Some of you guys (OP), really have very simplistic views of the world and most of all business and how they work, in order to justify what ever weird bias against the rift that they have, I promise you, that there's a good reason for the Touch controllers not being ready to ship, Oculus has taken a very conservative and deliberate approach into every aspect of this launch, not over selling or over promising as compared to HTC Vive that promises, literally, just about everything to every one, has rushed through the development cycle when compared to Oculus, seems to have very little future plans past the CV1 Vive and mostly relies on "room scale" to push their product, which at this stage of VR is very much nothing more than something that's cool to show people for all of 10 mins or in a demo setting before they want to sit down and actually "play".
03-17-2016 04:58 PM
"tranceology3" wrote:
I think as for the users who are all in for Rift, and are genuinely more interested in a seated experience than room scale, most likely have never tried VR (If you have and still want it, have you tried room scale? And if you have, then great, Rift is for you 🙂 ). The users that haven't tried VR certainly don't understand what VR is like, and they might still envision it as traditional 2D gaming. I can't tell you how many people try to argue that room scale is just a gimmick, and we have proof that standing up in games fails - they say, just look at Kinect, PSmove, etc... But the biggest misconception here is those tracking features were used in front of a 2D screen that you were limited to. VR is a whole new experience which opens up a whole new way we interact in games that is significantly enhanced with tracked controls/ room scale tracking. If someone honestly believes that less interaction in VR is better, then they honestly have never been in VR - it's completely illogical to say that, and you might as well not go in VR and go back to playing on a 2D screen, or use your HMD for 3D enhancement rather than transporting yourself into a virtual world.