04-05-2016 03:05 PM
04-05-2016 03:31 PM
04-05-2016 03:39 PM
Peejle said:
Really well done!
How wide does the physical box have to be to sync exactly with the VR table?
04-05-2016 10:52 PM
04-06-2016 12:26 AM
Excellent! I might have a go at designing something 3d printed that clips/clamps/screws onto/under a table (it needs to be small) - I already make wireless(Bluetooth) steering wheels for driving sims so it should be reasonably straightforward to make a wireless version of this. Time is my only enemy so it may never happen 🙂
Well done dinoroger
04-06-2016 12:40 AM
08-17-2016 01:04 PM
08-17-2016 08:25 PM
08-18-2016 07:03 AM
08-18-2016 06:04 PM