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Pixel per display pixel override - Your settings? Your experiences?

Expert Protege
Hey guys,

now I have a GTX 1070 running I started experimenting with the "pixel per display pixel override" setting.

My rig: i5 3450, 8GB Ram, GTX1070 - so from the CPU viewpoint below the recommended specs. Didn`t notice any drawback until now though. CPU usage is around 50-70% all the time while in VR (Eve, Pcars, Lucky,..)

Before experimenting the auto calculation for my system set  everything to "high" or "ultra" in graphics setting, with the resultion at 135%. The image still showed major aliasing even with the Ultra settings which was kinda dissaponting for me. Thought: ok that`s all VR can do for now, the SDE is still there.

BUT: wrong! Chose pixel per display pixel override 1.8 yesterday with Eve and
noticed a very noticable better image quality especially while "sitting"
in the game menue, where we have this dark hangar area. With pixel per display pixel override 1.8 the image was vastly improved! The aliasing was very much reduced! But I got some jittering. Later the evening after finishing rifting I read I have to close the debug tool to circumvent this - still have to check this out.

I would like to collect in here some settings that worked well, like (just an example)

System: i5 3450, 8GB Ram, GTX1070
Game: Eve Valkyrie
Pixel per display pixel override: 1.8
Experience: Aliasing clearly improved, but jittering (with Debug tool open)

Please share your experiences! I will as well starting next weekend.

082xxx - SHIPPED

You need this guide to change the setting?

Honored Visionary
I often wonder if it's placebo but there is a difference...right? I'm not sure on the judder aspect of it though. The guide I read from VRFocus said to close the box once the parameter is set to remove any judder.  Close or minimize? Also how long does it stay on for after that. Is it permanent until you reboot home or on an app basis. Also can anyone get it to work with HOME?

I whack mine up to 2.0 (GTX 1080).

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

I started gently at 1.2 and worked up. For my 980 the sweet spot was 1.4 with a noticeable difference and no judder. Eve was beautiful!!! The game, not Adam's girlfriend.
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Honored Visionary
Do y'all think Oculus will add it as an option in Home menu? Seems like something many people would appreciate.

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

Honored Visionary

Do y'all think Oculus will add it as an option in Home menu? Seems like something many people would appreciate.

Some games, like EVE Valkyrie, they already have it in their settings for you to alter..

I doubt it because if something went wrong on a customer released tweak that damaged our card then they certainly wouldn't be happy lol and neither would we !!!
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

I think things like this clearly show how early things are in the vr life cycle. We aren't there yet with optimisation, and there is plenty of new tips and tricks to discover while we work out how to get the best from our headsets. We are all pioneers and while some may be frustrated, I am excited to be apart of it

Rising Star
I am setting 1.35 for Project Cars and any other game that looks to need a tweak.  I notice Eve VK allows menu adjust to 135% which equals 1.35 pixel density in debug tool.  This setting seems optimal to my eyes and I do not notice much more gains at anything above it. In pCars is causes judder if you look to the sides when racing at value above that.  

Honored Visionary
Has anyone got over 1.5 without judder in any game? I've heard that's about as far as you can go without judder on a Geforce 1080, but I can't test it because I don't have my card yet.