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Please convince me on why I should keep my Rift vs. unloading it.

So my Rift which I ordered day 1 finally arrived recently.  It's sitting in the brown box Oculus shipped to me in.  I haven't even taken the Rift out of the shipment box yet.  
My situation is as follows, I've had the Vive for over a month now...aside from lack of content I love what I've tried.  I've tried DK2 previously last year.  Since I'm happy with the Vive I want to sell off the Rift unopened.  So far, there are no takers.  So now I'm left with either returning it to Oculus, selling it at cost to get rid of it, or open it and try the thing.  I don't see the point to having both these headsets though.  Anyone have both?  
Btw, I've posted previously on my thoughts on VR.  I wanted a new experience not a headset that lets me view traditional games from a unique perspective.  This and the Rift delay were what lead me to buy the Vive in the first place.  I have no inclination to play driving games which seems to be what everyone likes their Rift for.  I've read that CV1 is sharper than Vive but again not sure how objective that is.

[Edit: previously posted in the Community forum accidentally, apologies]

Expert Protege

Asynchronous Time Warp.Better pixel density, better ergonomics, better weight distribution, lower weight, better strap design, bigger sweet spot,

I get more play time out of a SINGLE night playing ED than there exists in room scale. how long do you expect to play job simulator?

Exactly as above.... but despite those advantages, I don't see the need for two headsets unless you are a serious enthusiast.

If you are happy with the Vive, I doubt the Rift will offer much more for now beyond the few exclusives on the Oculus Home store.

Maybe sell the Vive and keep the Rift 🙂

When the Touch controllers are released I believe the Rift will be the superior complete package.

Hi I'm waiting for my rift. I studied vive and rift for along time. 1st off the games available on the rift are better more like finished products not demos. I believe touch will be better than the Vive wands. Most reviewers that tried both said so. U can play vive games on rift. Touch will be supported by vive games. Chaperone not necessary when touch comes out and u can do room scale. (It has 2nd camera) I shut my eyes and uses a large area rug in my living room and could easily move around and feel boundaries. I believe the vive is ok comfort wise but the rift is fantastic comfort wise especially for extended playing. I respect your decision what is best for u. But to me getting the rift is a no Brainer.

Rising Star
If you aren't strapped for cash keep both. They are both great at what they do, and personally I am holding on to them not just because I like both, but its nice to have two separate setups, and because I want access to all the content I can have.

 (Also to own the first two commercial VR headsets as well. I still have my N64 + games, some things are just nice to hold on to)

Heroic Explorer
I have both.  While I like both for their respective strengths, I haven't actually touched my Vive in a few weeks, for the simple reason that the Rift is much more comfortable and easier to put on / take off when I feel like playing or testing something out for a short time.  The Vive's chunky cable and uncomfortable headset have me reaching for the Rift for short experiences.  Having said that, I've found that I enjoy what's available for the Vive / Roomscale much more.  The game's I've tried on the Rift have been lacking to say the least.   

For what it's worth, I'm more into experiences than games.  I like feeling transported, so I look for those types of experiences.  I think when Touch is released I may actually sell off the Vive, though I might miss the FOV and lesser god rays.  We'll see. 

I have both the VIVE and the Rift. While the rift is lighter and thus more comfortable, If I had to choose between the two I would have picked the Vive over the rift. While the Rift do have exclusives, non of them are games that I enjoy. 

If you aren't interested in the current and possible exclusives I would say get rid of the rift. If you could keep both then that is another option also.


 I don't see the point to having both these headsets though.  

Why on earth did you order both then?!?!?

Okay nevermind, the decision was made for me.  Rift sold at the last minute off Ebay.  Thanks everyone for their feedback.  And yeah, I know the Touch might be better (it better be, it's coming out almost half a year later and like all tech it should be better given the extra time).  
As for why I got both...Oculus got me into VR, it wasn't even on my radar until the Rift was first shown.  Tried DK2 last year and was sold, pre-ordered day 1 online.  Then I got the infamous email that they were delaying my shipment by a few months, right around then I began looking into the Vive, saw some YouTube vids and was sold.  Ordered the Vive but didn't want to cancel the Rift because I knew how valuable just a spot in the line was.  I figured I would just try both and sell the lesser of the 2 used.  Well, now that I've had the Vive and I'm happy with it I felt no need to open the Rift.  
@agenttoff - like you I was looking for an experience.  When Oculus delayed the shipment I was cool but when I saw the launch lineup I realized the Rift games were simply letting you view traditional video games in a unique way.  Sort of like when HD TVs first came out.  I wanted something different and Roomscale offered that.

Cheers everyone, and hope everyone is enjoying your VR.  It looks like the supply has finally caught up to demand.  I feel that since 1.) Vive is now a 2 day ship and 2.) Rift wasn't really getting any bids on Ebay even at cost.

Expert Protege
Why not. To try them out, and sell one at cost or profit.

I would not keep both either. Tbh, if you are satisfied with the Vive and it's software, sell the Rift. It's also in higher demand right now (due to poor availability), so easier to sell. However, I would try it on first. It's a better headset IMO. I'm also not interested in room-scale either, but that's just me.