I would like to know the reason Fresnel Lenses were used in the CV1.
The only reasons I am aware of are to reduce chromatic aberration away from the center of the lens and to improve focus away form the center. Are these the main reasons? Are there other reasons?
It seems to me there should be other reasons because after using the DK2 now for the last month or so at home and the CV1 at work I can say that I would rather have chromatic aberration and the worse focus away from the center of the lenses than putting up with god rays in games such as ED. God rays also make it a challenge for text which tends to have strong contrast (e.g. black on white). Without Fresnel lenses you can always look in the center of the lens which would have no god rays, no chromatic aberration, and good focus but with Fresnel lenses you can't avoid the god rays by looking in the center of the lens.
I have both the DK2 and CV1. The DK2 looks better in the sense of being more "crisp"...hard to explain, the SDE notwithstanding. The lenses on the CV1 could be much better. The godrays are quite unappealing.
Can't speak for the DK2, but some of the big reasons I rarely use my Vive any more are the chromatic aberration and blurry text towards the edges of the screen. I'll trade the Rift's worse god-rays for better colors and less blurring than the Vive any day.
Having worn glasses basically my entire life I'm used to these rays and glares of light. Its basically the same in the Oculus Rift. So it doesn't bother me at all
Fresnel lenses cause less eye strain and also reduce Chromatic aberration which is an issue with lenses like in the GearVR. Hopefully this will change with the recent breakthrough in optics where we can now make lenses without CA and still be cost effective.