12-12-2021 07:32 AM
Resident Evil 4 is the new benchmark for excellence on the Quest 2. That game was originally made in 2006 for the Game Cube. That was 15 years ago. So, what's Meta doing about the quality gap. I thought the answer was obvious with a 120hz experimental feature. Since its release, we've had a handful lame games- barely mentioned ever lately. And now we get ASW frame generation that was supposed to give a 70% boost in performance. After the Fall came out and WOW, lame! Aren't they an inhouse studio? Still, Meta releases it without this Technology. The last time I was this let down about the release of a game was when Pac Man came out for the Atari 2600.
Sony PSVR2 is on its way. It will be cheaper than a PC, but with graphics on par. It will be only marginally more expensive- maybe the same price as the Cambria, or whatever it will be called, yet the graphics better than the Quest product line.
Meta, what are you going to do about this!? If After the Fall is some indicator, you need to abandon this plan!
How does a game from 2006 look and play better than a current release?