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Really disappointed

I am pretty disappointed in the delay on shipping my new Oculus as I was given a date originally early April (7 minutes into the release) and now I have a date for late May/early June.

Does ANYONE know what the component shortage is, and will I actually receive my Oculus on the current shipping date or will we be put back again?

As someone who has the DK2 (it's great) it's bad form by Oculus in my view as I've already spent 3,000 euros on a PC to experience the Oculus Rift.


Expert Protege
How can that be.. I was 8 minutes in..and got an update of May 2-May 12

I feel ya - April estimate turned into late May or early June... dammit.

Honored Visionary
Am I the only one who though this would happen and that is why I wasn't in a rush to order straight away? I ordered later and get mine at the end of June.


OccUpied said:

How can that be.. I was 8 minutes in..and got an update of May 2-May 12

Some friends who ordered at the same time have already got theirs... so I have no idea. I sent in a support ticket last week and was told to wait for the 12th of April for an update, having ordered in the first 10 minutes (like my friends) I would have expected an Oculus to have shipped the same time as theirs. (last week)

So I have to now wait 2 months for something I ordered at the same time... ya not impressed.

Just ordered a HTC and got a shipping date for June..... weird.