The latest release has just hit PTC — here’s what you can expect. The updates for this month center on the new Rift Core 2.0 beta! In addition to the usual channels, we're introducing UserVoice as a way to organize feedback and suggestions (visit the Oculus blog to learn more). Don't forget you can log bugs right from the reporting tool in Rift. Thanks for testing!
Wishlists: You can now add apps you'd like to purchase or download later to your wishlist in the Oculus Store. You can choose to see updates about sales and other promotions for apps on your wishlist.
Rift Core 2.0 (Beta):
The core software experience in Rift has been rebuilt, replacing the existing Universal Menu and Home with a new Touch-native interface.
Dash is a redesign of our VR system interface from the ground up that opens up new possibilities for VR and immersive computing.
An overlay system lets you use all the features of Dash without leaving your current app.
Bring your Windows desktop apps into VR so you can listen to your favorite music, watch a show, or create something in VR based on a pinned photograph, all without removing your headset.
Oculus Home:
Completely overhauls your personal space in VR to let you customize your environment, share it with your friends, or visit their space.
Collect interactive objects you and your friends can play with in VR, such as bows and arrows, targets, and stackable objects.
Use decorations and furniture to make your Home uniquely your own.
Show off your accomplishments in VR with achievement elements.
Oculus desktop app:
Redesigned user interface provides improved top-level navigation and a dark theme to make things easier on your eyes.
A brand new landing page includes:
more engaging app previews
clearer announcements for new features and updates
faster access to your recent VR apps
more social features, including seeing which multiplayer and social apps your friends are playing, as well as ways to connect with people you may know or have met in VR
Before I download 2.0 and Dash (afraid I'm not techy enough to screw up my WORKING Rift), can I play a game (not VR game) with the headset and utilize the mouse's move, point and click functions with Touch?
So there are still performance issues with this version. Turning off Dash but still beta channel. Can play games at HIGH Res, Turning on Dash again performance goes to hell in a basket where same games now have Stutter in LOW graphics mode.
We're looking into the performance issues, but please submit a bug report to help with the investigation. You can submit a report in the Help Center (lower left of Oculus app) by clicking Provide Feedback. Thanks.
Oculus guardian isn't visible. It says that it is on, but no boundries nor any "walls". Also there are no notifications or anything that would say that it is disabled (and it is active in the menu)..
In beta today: couldn't complete Rift set up past the check your lens spacing - just a black screen in headset. Reset or skip seemed to solve this. Also, rift headset sound works on a game when first played but if you choose a new game the sound doesn't work - Restart of PC and Oculus sorts that out. Occasional black/blank screen after start up of computer, manual relaunch of Oculus software seems to sort that out. Next time anything happens I'll submit feedback via Oculus app^^ - just thought I'd mention a few things here.
Win 10 Pro, GTX 1080, Asus Z170 Deluxe, Nvidia 391.35
1.21 never downloads no matter restarting. It's listed as Queued under Updates - Pending and complains every time I start it because tupdate may not have installed correctly. Anyone else have this issue?