05-17-2016 11:38 AM
05-17-2016 01:04 PM
05-17-2016 01:08 PM
05-17-2016 01:18 PM
05-17-2016 01:26 PM
05-17-2016 03:01 PM
05-17-2016 03:53 PM
Arock387 said:
Looks pretty sweet. But how does the chair know when the player wants the chair to rotate or when they just want to rotate their head alone
05-17-2016 03:55 PM
05-17-2016 03:57 PM
mambo1888 said:
Looks really cool, very tempted. At the store to get the full experience do you need to add everything? Under description of the chair it says it includes cable magazine but in the store section there is a separate cable magazine. Do you offer a bundle for the complete package?
We are making no money on the slip rings. We didn't include in the bundle because some people might want Gear VR. We include basic slip rings on our entry product to support Gear VR (charging) as well as the Double Rumble Simulator Pack (shakers)
05-17-2016 03:58 PM
agenttoff said:
Are there any plans to ship from the U.S? The shipping cost is painful.Sorry - $165 is our best price for generic USA shipping at this moment. It's a large unit (base plus chair)