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Samsung making VR device

Honored Guest
Hello all,


So now that we now Samsung is working on a VR device for their phones and tablets i was thinking that since the DK2 screen is a Note 3 display ( or something very similar) could Samsung not put a tweaked VR display on their next gen phones and have a nicely made headset that was very portable with good optics which you just put your Samsung phone into and switch it to a VR mode it is just all software at that point. Yeah I know with out some sort of camera the tracking will never be as good as an Oculus device attached to a high end PC with precise tracking. But by far good enough(for now) for people who don't want to use VR for games.

I think that would be a very awesome idea for mainstream VR adoption. Yeah, it will be in a different market segment as higher end gaming VR devices for at home but when you are on the road or if you don't game but still want to chat with friends in VR, watch VR movies and what not, (maybe play some low end Mobile games in VR) when you get home just put your phone in your HMD and go into your digital world.

What do you guys think? Samsung is in a very good position by default as they make some of the best displays. All they need to do is figure out the optics and make a well engineered headset that is light weight and something people can just put into a bag when they are on the road. I think has lots of potential. This will be the first step at really changing how we communicate.

Crazy times ahead!

Honored Guest
This is exactly why Oculus needs to be releasing this year and NOT waiting. They are allowing competitors to catch up. And lets be BRUTALLY honest here.

Oculus needs to solve positional tracking ALOT better and they need to dump this seated experience non sense. No doubt lazy ass Americans won't want to stand all the time but the immersion factor is much more when standing. Positional tracking could be a major faux pas for Oculus if they do not take the appropriate stance on this now.

Honored Guest
VR experiences that won't make me puke but will run on a Samsung tablet/phone will have all the fidelity of Dactyl Nightmare.

It is good that that a highend display maker is getting into the market though.

Honored Guest
If the Samsung headset can also run off a PC as well as off the built in android cpu and gpu, then it would be interesting.

Competition is good, although I still think (and admittedly hope) that Oculus will be the best device for some time, given the talent and head start they have.

I wonder...

If there is anyone that develops for mobile, could you do a benchmark test with a mobile app inside the Rift? To see what kind of performance it would get?

I imagine it will be more of a mobile media viewer like we've seen in the past; though of course, some extremely rudimentary games could be developed I suppose ("inside of a room, playing a board game, for example")
Current WIPs using Unreal Engine 4: Agrona - Tales of an Era: Medieval Fantasy MORPG

Honored Guest
"The consumer model, however, is said to require the power of next-gen, unannounced Galaxy phones and tablets."

Looks like Samsung is not going to let other HMDs plug into their future phones and tablets without a fierce fight. 😮

Current generation of phones are not good enough for VR, so if they want to outcompete the Oculus' HMD, Samsung will perhaps make a new phone with hardware optimized for the Samsung VRHMD, that will potentially feature a wired connection physically incompatible with the Rift's and have patents and IP protected codes and drivers that will cause problems and licensing issues for apps and programs attempting to integrate Oculus' Android SDK.

Will Apple respond with an I-HMD for their next gen Iphone?

How will the HMD war pan out?
PC- Oculus , various contenders (free competition)
SonyPS- Sony (monopoly)
Samsung- Samsung (potential monopoly)
to be determined:
Microsoft-xbox/Nokia- ?
Apple-Iphone/Mac- ?

"davidjc" wrote:
This is exactly why Oculus needs to be releasing this year and NOT waiting. They are allowing competitors to catch up. And lets be BRUTALLY honest here.

Oculus needs to solve positional tracking ALOT better and they need to dump this seated experience non sense. No doubt lazy ass Americans won't want to stand all the time but the immersion factor is much more when standing. Positional tracking could be a major faux pas for Oculus if they do not take the appropriate stance on this now.

Timing is perhaps the single most important thing here. If they get beaten to market by Sony or anyone else, it could be bad. But if they release too early and the product sucks or there isn't enough good content for it, it could be worse.

I totally agree that positional tracking needs solved a lot better. In the second consumer version. I would hate to see a 6 to 18 month delay caused by the development of a new positional tracking scheme for the first consumer version when they still aren't done with the DK2's optical tracking.

Seated experiences are only a suggestion. An aweful lot of DK1 developers threw out Oculus' suggestions and built demos with FPS-like walking and running. If this is any indication, there will be plenty of finished games and apps that let you walk and run with your thumbsticks. Unfortunately I think this is going to induce nausea in the vast majority of people. I just hope that these people are smart enough to understand why they got sick and not get turned off to VR altogether.

"jrbm" wrote:

Will Apple respond with an I-HMD for their next gen Iphone?


The new iPhone 7 with Dual-Retinal Display and Full-Rectal Rendering - next generation stereoscopic vision with graphics that look like ass........

Honored Guest
Well the problem is that they could already improve it a lot by at least putting LEDs on the back of the CV1 so that full 360 degree positional tracking is there. Morpheus is already doing this, and its one area where Oculus is lagging behind. I realize they are trying to be pragmatic, but when you are standing up, this is when you might turn 180 degrees.

It seems Oculus is betting that people won't want to stand and try out BR, they are VERY mistaken, I just demo'd mine at work and everyone wanted to stand and look around. If you ask me the CV1 needs full 360 positional tracking like Morpheus has at a minimum.

"Cheesekeeper" wrote:
Dual-Retinal Display and Full-Rectal Rendering
