05-22-2014 08:15 PM
05-22-2014 08:44 PM
05-22-2014 09:32 PM
05-22-2014 09:48 PM
05-22-2014 09:51 PM
05-22-2014 09:56 PM
05-22-2014 10:45 PM
"davidjc" wrote:
This is exactly why Oculus needs to be releasing this year and NOT waiting. They are allowing competitors to catch up. And lets be BRUTALLY honest here.
Oculus needs to solve positional tracking ALOT better and they need to dump this seated experience non sense. No doubt lazy ass Americans won't want to stand all the time but the immersion factor is much more when standing. Positional tracking could be a major faux pas for Oculus if they do not take the appropriate stance on this now.
05-22-2014 10:53 PM
"jrbm" wrote:
Will Apple respond with an I-HMD for their next gen Iphone?
05-22-2014 10:54 PM
05-22-2014 10:56 PM
"Cheesekeeper" wrote:
Dual-Retinal Display and Full-Rectal Rendering