08-25-2013 01:34 PM
08-31-2013 12:22 PM
"MrGeddings" wrote:
hello eveyone i came across this post on facebook (of all places) and thought id share it here, an alpha build of second life support (with head tracking!) is now available for anyone to test. It does not have UI in the rift mode but there is a keyboard toggle to switch between the two. should be perfect for exploring however
and a personal note
IN YOUR FACE 3dxchat! You cant compete with this now! 🙂
(im not the maker of this program just someone who found the link) :-).
08-31-2013 06:59 PM
09-01-2013 10:01 AM
"RM07" wrote:
I was about to post this too xD - if you want to truly lose yourself in what secondlife has to offer with the rift - come and visit my sim 'surreal effects' -
Play the music stream while you explore with the rift and I can guarantee you will be as amazed and submerged in this place as I was 😄
Do let me know what you think though guys (the sim itself I created to bring to people of secondlife a submersive world to explore and relax as well as host my poetry and photography and even without the rift people are enjoying the place).
09-01-2013 04:53 PM
"Ruudscorner" wrote:
Darnit! Now I got to go try Second Life again. Probably been two years since last time I had my weeklenght try. 🙂
09-14-2013 12:40 AM
12-22-2013 09:17 PM
10-02-2014 12:50 PM
10-02-2014 09:00 PM
10-03-2014 04:21 AM
"jo" wrote:
You mean the Oculus resolution?
SL graphics are pretty good.
10-03-2014 04:27 AM