So in all this facebook kerfluffle Second Life creator Philip Rosedale used the news buzz as an opportunity to make mention of his VR social platform High Fidelity. I found a video via venturebeat that showed a prototype experiment that seemed to utilize a combination of head tracking, hydra motion controls for arm gestures, and some fairly impressive lip synching to display two people having a virtual conversation together. Check it out below.
It's a bit rough around the edges but you get the gist and can see the potential for a VR social experience. Via the above video I found a talk Rosedale did last year describing a rough idea of their plan for the platform which I found to be quite exciting as to its potential for VR. In particular he mentions using people's mobile devices and/or PCs as basically outsourcing server load when they're not using the service as a way to power the network, which would obviously mitigate a lot of the problems with latency inherent with online services. Granted this project is probably still in the early stages of production but I think people like Rosedale are on the right track for integrating social into VR, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if Facebook aped some of their ideas for their own VR social platform if they choose to go that route (and why wouldn't they). You can watch his talk below, certainly some interesting ideas in there.
James OReilly Yesterday at 12:58am Facebook TOS are far superior to predatory Linden Lab TOS 2.3 New World Notes: Oculus Rift Bought by Facebook for $2 Billion: Yes, VR is Going Mass Market | Main Facebook is buying Oculus Rift for $2 billion dollars , which is news I had to squint at several...
It's No Wonder You Feel Like Balking Virtual Worlds Why would a bona-fide use case want to use a predatory vendor? There are other competitive opportunities and options. 00. Quality Management - Immersive World Newbie Help Desk
Seller's Market! :black_medium_small_square:On 15 March, 1962, US President John F. Kennedy delivered a historic address to the US Congress in which he outlined his vision of consumer rights. This was the first time any politician had formerly set out such principles. 'Consumers by definition, include us all,' Kennedy said in his Congressional Statement, 'They are the largest economic group, affecting and affected by almost every public and private economic decision. Yet they are the only important group... whose views are often not heard.' Over time, the consumer movement has developed this vision into a set of Eight Basic Consumer Rights that now define and inspire much of the work of Consumers International CI and its members do (around areas such as financial services and communications). I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops: