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So someone got SLi/crossfire working on the vive. Can we force SLi on the Rift for advanced users?

On the VorpX forums, there is a chap playing Skyrim in crossfire with great scaling and no latency issues.

Oculus have chosen to force disable SLi in their new software due to apparent "latency", but before then, SLi worked great with the DK2 and older runtimes.

Latency is subjective, and such a great feature which doubles performance shouldn't be locked down unilaterally. At least give us an option. I have no trouble with SLi and any latency issues.

Is there a way to bypass/hack  the SLi lock on the CV1? e.g. using something similar to the debug tool, or nv inspector (I have already tried this to no avail), or a registry key?

For comparison, 3D Vision and iZ3D drivers work great with standard (non-VR) SLi.

The creator of VorpX has said that VorpX is SLi / Crossfire agnostic - if a standard game supports dual cards then VorpX will scale just fine.

For most (non VR) games, even a single GTX 1080, the single fastest graphics card in the world does not support 90fps at 1920×1440 (approximate render resolution), let alone VorpX geometry 3D which has a 2x performance hit.

[posted again as previous post to "Community" not showing anywhere (?)]