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So will I be able to play any oculus exclusives on vive?

Honored Guest
Weighing all of my options all day today with both vive and rift pre-ordered and I couldn't find a single reason why rift would outshine the vive besides me being a fanboy and having love for oculus. I've recently became very intrigued in room scale and don't think I can purchase an HMD that doesn't directly support it. But then I remembered that if I got the vive, would I be able to play all those exclusive oculus titles that I was so excited to play? Did a little research and seems that without openly admitting it, oculus is pretty much going to hold onto these exclusives in hopes of retaining pre-orders. Once again I am conflicted about which preorder to cancel, but now I'm pissed at oculus for putting up a wall on their content. Hope I'm wrong.

Rising Star
Actually.. Blu-ray was the better format compared to HD-DVD in pretty much everything other then the mandatory hardcoating, which made them more expensive.

The specifications for both the vive and rift are nearly identical, they use the same displays etc. So asking for all these specifications that we don't need, is not going to change anything.

Roomscale looks like fun and probably is, but is to limited at the moment to of real value. It is going to take a few more years before it is were people want it to be.

As for the oculus store against steam.. Even if the Oculus store was Openly available, the vive would still not have supported it. Simply because Valve, does not allow competition against steam.

Honored Guest
Some great points made here but im leaning more towards the oculus myself.

Although htc vives concept is a good one and initially did excite me i cant help thinking the walk around part is going to be a bit of a fad. Firstly because the limitation of real space will limit the virtual space which i really think will limit the overall experience and secondly there appears to be a lot more oculus content available and thirdly (and i dont know here but) we dont know if the walk around and room scanning is exclusive to the vive, from what i can tell there is no reason oculus cannot do something similar surely ?

Heres what keeps entering my head when i think about vive. Yes it may have the cool walk arounx element but a) some of us dont have huge spare rooms b) even if we did the htc vive is still wired and in a large room that wires going to get pretty long and without some clever roof wiring setup or a friend watching over you then tripping iver that wire while engrossed in a experience is going to be inevitable so lets hope its a nice thick carpeted floor. c) i can't help notice the vive has no thumbsticks which means they have really soley built their vr around the walking around idea.

Now im sure the vive is an amazing experience and if it was a wireless headset and we had large rooms its something i may have considered but i do think at this early stage the walk around part is a step to far. For a good game or experience moving around the environment is going to be key for me and that entails travelling large areas, going up steps as well as just sitting still or being limited to one room.

That said i think im going to wait and see the reviews for both as well as wait for the amd 400 gpus to be released for at least a few months before i invest in any.


if I would pick one, I would go for oculus with touch, yes the vive is great but to play games where you need to move around alot it uses a weird teleporting system that might ruin the experience(because your room won't be that big you won't be able to move around alot) oculus touch it self is better than the vive.

tbh I think the vive is good for demos right now, its good to use as a holodeck, not to play full games. just to test environments, it might be cool at first but you'll get tired of it soon.

Well and let's be honest. Room scale VR is intriguing but these units are wired. I know Vive will be able to give you a rough idea of when you are about to smack into a wall but what about tripping over wires?


maxpare79 said:

Same here no offence to anyone and not trying to start a war I love you all and love both CV1 and VIVE...I just want more quality content before buying it.

Luckily, development is shifting away from rift