04-18-2014 08:18 AM
I have been debating whether or not to post this. I've decided to do it. Since I am under a NDA, I want to be careful about keeping my identity secret. This will be my only post using this account.
Since the Facebook acquisition, a new and vastly improved CV1 is being planned. With all the resources we have now, the team is planning to custom-make some of the key components. The screen will be one of these components. The main goal with these new screens is to decrease the space between pixels. There are other things being considered, but none have been set in stone.
Unfortunately, designing and manufacturing these parts will take some time. As a result, CV1's release date has been pushed back to late Q1 of 2015, although it may end up being Q2 if any unforeseen complications pop up (and they always do, so keep that in mind.)
There is talk of releasing a lower-spec consumer version (still better than DK2) by Q4 of 2014, and then releasing the improved version with custom-parts later. If this ends up happening, the improved version will simply be CV2 and will be released in late 2015. This has not been decided yet and is still being debated internally.
To end this on a good note, having tried many of the prototypes we have internally, you guys haven't seen anything yet!
04-18-2014 11:45 AM
04-18-2014 11:48 AM
I see myself getting a Sony after the Oculus DK2, (because it makes sense developing for PS4 as well) rather than replacing DK2 with CV1.
04-18-2014 12:22 PM
04-18-2014 12:34 PM
04-18-2014 01:22 PM
04-18-2014 01:30 PM
"Leahy" wrote:
Well I'd prefer a 1440p rift next May instead of a 1080p Consumer version in Q4 2014 and have to buy another in Q4 2015. I can understand that they could make more money in the short term that way though. In the long term they would just be distancing themselves from their dedicated fans and perhaps a competitor might be more interesting in the future. I'll for sure buy all of them but I really think 1080p just isn't quite good enough for a consumer version
Of course this is all just wild speculation
04-18-2014 01:58 PM
"captaintrips" wrote:
We don't need CV1 yet. I'd be fine if they pushed it back to 2015. While the community here is ready... the world is not, nor are the developers. You release it right now, and there's nothing for it. There won't be anything for it by the end of 2014. There might not even be anything for it during 2015. In fact, half the stuff for it is all alpha, beta, or just low grade demo development which won't impress the masses. In case you haven't noticed... the demo's have come to a grinding halt over the past while. Rarely do I see anything new posted on Oculus Share center or Riftenabled. And then your're going to have to prove it will do something more than just 10 year old games (which I know it can) at affordable prices (which the hardware required is going to turn off most).
Personally, I like this yearly development kit cycle we are seeing so far. I'd like to see a DK3 this time next year, and then *maybe* a retail version by the end of 2015 or spring/summer 2016. It really doesn't matter whether someone like Sony ends up releasing one as they have nothing to show for if they do. Maybe a launch game or two. And for consoles, it'll likely end up like the Kinect... great hardware, no software. Remember... console market wants it cheap, they want it fast, and they want little to do with anything other than laying on the couch and powering on the TV and system/controller at most. They are inherently lazy... and by that I mean they are not tinkering types and lack the enthusiastic approach of anything outside maybe a new game or console release. Anything else out side of that is just more work for them to do, and more money. They don't have the mindset to comprehend the potential or scale of additional hardware... they quite literally live in the "here and now" and lack the technical interest and patience of the PC crowd. Games and peripheals are completely "fly by night" to them... which is ironic, considering they'll use the same hardware in their console for years on end, yet I am grumpy after only several months of having the same CPU and GPU.
So I'd much rather see Oculus take their time refining stuff, pushing developers to start pumping out apps, than rushing to release it and have it flop due to little to no dev support. The rush to commercialize and capitalize is what ultimately destroys a product. I think they know that, and I think they are currently taking the right steps to make sure that doesn't happen.
04-18-2014 02:00 PM
04-18-2014 02:27 PM
"KaTsuoo1" wrote:
BS... They would be out of their mind if they even would consider to release another version just around half a year after the first one. I can only see this happening if they get some serious competition and they decide that they got the be the first one out, but then also, that they have to have the best hardware.
04-18-2014 02:41 PM