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Some problems/questions after my first few uses

Expert Protege
Hello there, yesterday i finally got my Rift!  😮

Went throught the installation till i was prompted to wear the HMD, and i was shocked how bad the text looked.

Felt as if i could count the "checkerboard" but i thought it may be just the installation, but i was wrong.

In the Oculus Home especially it is really bad, some times i cant even read the names of the games in the pictures, the price tags looks horrible as well.

I even tried the supersampling with the tray tool, but even between 0/2.5 there is no difference in any game, so i thought i may be doing something wrong?

Tried several Steam games as well, but the supersampling there doesnt seem to work either, no difference between 0.5/5 which should be a laggy mess at least, but nothing.

So, what could i be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

This does sound like a problem mate. I have no problems reading the text. May I suggest trying support or @cybereality ?
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Heroic Explorer
Sometimes i wonder if some people focus on the screen in the wrong way.

To me its sort of like looking at a wonderful view out of a dirty window .... once you focus "past" the dirt and onto the view, you dont see the dirt any more.

Its the same in the Rift for me, if i focus in on the pixels \ SDE its perfectly visible, but once you look "through" into the world outside, you soon forget / ignore the SDE.

Expert Protege
Well, i would if i could, but if i have problems reading stuff this is a different matter.

When the screen is dark is noticed some light stuff, to me it looked like there is tons of dust sitting on the lenses from the inside.

That is all i got so far.