Went throught the installation till i was prompted to wear the HMD, and i was shocked how bad the text looked.
Felt as if i could count the "checkerboard" but i thought it may be just the installation, but i was wrong.
In the Oculus Home especially it is really bad, some times i cant even read the names of the games in the pictures, the price tags looks horrible as well.
I even tried the supersampling with the tray tool, but even between 0/2.5 there is no difference in any game, so i thought i may be doing something wrong?
Tried several Steam games as well, but the supersampling there doesnt seem to work either, no difference between 0.5/5 which should be a laggy mess at least, but nothing.
Sometimes i wonder if some people focus on the screen in the wrong way.
To me its sort of like looking at a wonderful view out of a dirty window .... once you focus "past" the dirt and onto the view, you dont see the dirt any more.
Its the same in the Rift for me, if i focus in on the pixels \ SDE its perfectly visible, but once you look "through" into the world outside, you soon forget / ignore the SDE.