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Some problems/questions after my first few uses

Expert Protege
Hello there, yesterday i finally got my Rift!  😮

Went throught the installation till i was prompted to wear the HMD, and i was shocked how bad the text looked.

Felt as if i could count the "checkerboard" but i thought it may be just the installation, but i was wrong.

In the Oculus Home especially it is really bad, some times i cant even read the names of the games in the pictures, the price tags looks horrible as well.

I even tried the supersampling with the tray tool, but even between 0/2.5 there is no difference in any game, so i thought i may be doing something wrong?

Tried several Steam games as well, but the supersampling there doesnt seem to work either, no difference between 0.5/5 which should be a laggy mess at least, but nothing.

So, what could i be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Not applicable
The clarity in the headset is very sensitive to the position on your face.
Since you've already started fiddling around with third party apps, I assume you have already tried moving the Rift up and down and left to right.

If not, the Rift seems to be clearer if you have it lower on your face than you might expect. Just try it and see how it goes. ( Don't forget that you can also tilt the headset up and down at the strap pivots).

Normally I wear glasses for long and short sightedness but I don't use them in the Rift because they're so uncomfortable. I can still read enough text to get by though.

Expert Protege
Thanks for your answer @Richooal

I have indeed tried everything i can in terms of moving it around to find the "sweetspot" but it doesnt help with these issues.

There are literally little black "boxes" in the white text/numbers which makes them so uncomfortable to read. :neutral:

Maybe i should try this one fix (dont remember the name) which should help with red/green "tint" because sometimes i noticed these little boxes to be red/green colored a bit.

Did you try calibration tool in oculus home?  (Can't remember what it is specifically called.). That should solve it for you if it's just a setup issue. (From oculus home press the home button on the right touch controller, one of the icons on the right hand s t of buttons is the right one. Second or third from the top. )

Expert Protege
I tried everything i could that i know of, but i guess im simply to sensitive to the SDE (i was always sensitive to any visual related stuff).

Heroic Explorer
To me "I can't read the names in Oculus Home" sounds like it has nothing to do with the SDE, as the SDE doesn't affect the readability of the text there (that text is plenty large enough), but you do need your eyes to focus away from the pixels perhaps (it's easy to focus on them, but you ideally just look past them). Makes me wonder what you are actually experiencing ... maybe you can take a picture with your phone?

Expert Protege
Sure, i already zoomed in a bit to get it more visible, but even from a distance it always looks like this to me and it hurts to watch for longer.



Even from that screenie it is hard to guess which problem you might be having.

Please try again as others have suggested before:


Fit the headset properly. This makes a tremendous difference when it was incorrectly fitted before:

Losen the head- and the side straps. Place the HMD on your face and pull the back triangle as far down as possible. Place it just above your neck. In this position tighten the headstrap as neccessary to maintain position.

Swivel the headset up and down to find  the sweet spot.

Gently tighten the side straps just enough to maintain position. Do not press the headset against your face. It should not leave any red pressure marks.


Setup the IPD within Oculus Home using the lens position slider following the on-screen instructions.

Also in this step readjust the HMD as neccessary.


There should not be a problem with reading text in any way. Especially not in the center of the FOV.

If nothing helps, let someone else try it. If someone else can adjust the headset to get everything readable for him, it might be your vision? Maybe you need some corrective glasses without knowing about it?

Expert Protege
Thank you for the reply Hornet, i have already fiddled a long time to find the sweetspot, multiple IPD adjustments as well.

That picture is taken from the best i could get it to be, and i dont have it to tight or anything else, i really tried everything out, left/right-up/down-the privot stuff at the beginning of the straps where you can tilt it (dont know how to describe it else).

I wear glasses, but with and without this is the same.

Dont know if it my vision, but DK1 and NVIDIA 3D had no issues.

I hav to try some other games out, its especially hard to see in Oculus Home, in games i mostly only notice the SDE.

Expert Protege
To me it feels as if the resolution is simply to low/wrong, but there is no way i can check that, or is there?