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Something went wrong - No confirmed emails on file for this account

Honored Guest

This is more of a rant than a talking point. This evening after I got my kids put to bed I fired up my Oculus quest to play some beat saber. I was confronted with a large SET UP META account screen. I tried to dismiss it to play my game but it would not let me use the headset unless the setup process was followed through. I went to start the setup process and thats where my night got unhinged. It took 3 hours of 4 different chat agents which kept disconnecting. To get eventually get my headset back in working order. I have never been more upset and convinced I don’t actually own a thing I own. I have been a legacy user since 2017 with the rift and have faithfully purchased games on multiple platforms to help the technology progress and take off. I love vr and how immersive it is as an experience. For this platform to take off Meta (facebook) needs to remember that its users like me that have gotten it this far. We like the social interaction but think of your cellphone. How often do you actually talk to people on it? It’s not super frequent. I just want a device that lets me unwind before heading to bed. That’s what VR is. It isnt a meta world distorted dystopian work headset. Maybe in 20 years we will be slaving away with the Hollowlense Facebook edition strapped to our faces. But for now don’t push updates that brick peoples devices.  Here is a link to what I encountered. (For the record the fix in the body of the forum did not work in my instance). My facebook was made back in 2009 with an email that didn’t need two factor authentication back then. So it wouldn’t allow it to transfer to the new META account.


Here’s to hoping none of you spend 3 hours on support just to have to factory reset your headset 3 times and reset every password you own just to unwind before going to bed. Note to the marketing and dev teams, not force users to update. Just don’t do it.