Cyber I have a post but it wont let me post first i thought it was because i had 2 links in the tried to remove one but still wont let me post it?
I have just noticed that it says "my discussion will be posted when it has been approved" WTF...I hope its not because i say the word privacy and facebook in one post is a genuine post
This is noted in the How To Guide (updated today). Some posts will be flagged by the spam filter and will not show up until a mod approves it. If this happens please *do not* just continue to double-post the same message over and over. Wait for me to approve it or PM me if you are waiting for a while. Thanks.
Sorry Cyber i only noticed the "waiting to be approved " message after a few clicks on the submit...i thought the button was broke and didn't notice the "wait for approval" message..first post on the new forum