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Star Trek

Expert Protege
Imagine you're in Starfleet Academy. Training as a Starfleet Captain graduate and get your own ship to command with the crew of your choice, maybe some of your friends from the Academy (possibly friends in real life or NPCs if you prefer). You are given a mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. Doing so you encounter new civilizations and you must interact with them. These interactions would be things such as, helping them advance as a species by offering them new technology (replicator maybe? Or perhaps photon torpedos :twisted:) offering trade treaties with the federation (which you can make a commission off of) trade goods, help them out (complete a mission) things such as "there's a thief that we're having trouble tracking down could you help us?" or "We're losing power and don't know why" any countless types of missions. You have a large Star Trek pool to choose from. As you accomplish these missions make treaties explore, upgrade your ship, (possibly establish colonies and purchase unpopulated worlds to set up colonies on to research or make a profit) there will be consequences. You may attract the Borg or stumble upon species 8472. You may make as many enemies as allies, you may get Starfleet wiped out or save them from destruction. Your actions may change the political heads of Starfleet and maybe even its laws.

Does this excite you, imagine doing all this from the Captains Chair, walking to the elevator to the transport room and going on an away mission. Interacting with all this new life in person. The Oculus has made this possible.

Honored Guest
"Madaras" wrote:
Well that project has been put on the back burner, have moved on to some 2D work due to budget constraints. Also thinking of writing a Manga Series. (When I finally do get around to completing the Star Trek Game I'm totally adding my Manga series as an Easter egg 🙂 )

cool 🙂

Honored Guest
"Madaras" wrote:
"Species5618" wrote:
walking around a federation starship would be very cool.

I always loved the series, and some of the games where pretty cool (startrek elite force, startrek armada).

But i think the Oculus can add must to space game in general :).

I absolutely agree. Though it's unfortunate we haven't heard back from CBS about being able to license, so we may have to take the "Star Trek" specific things out and change things around, but it will be a similar and epic game non-the-less.

Your right, that's often a issue.

And until they do, any Good Space game or "Star trek" lookalike can be a acceptable alternative :).

Honored Guest
Anyone see the irony of creating a VR experience of walking around a Star Trek ship, when lots of us had VR inspiration from the Holodek on STTNG, which was what they had to AVOID walking around a Star Trek ship. Freaky.

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Honored Guest
Is it just me? The first thing that came to mind as soon as I started reading this thread is FTL. That would be epic. A fleshed out FTL done in 3d for the oculus would be awesome. Imagine jumping and ending up right next to a star with your ship beginning to melt and some enemy ship immediately swings in to destroy you for parts, meanwhile you need to quickly react to the fires that are killing your crewmates all in real time, done oculus style. It could work. You could keep track of everything through your tricorder like device that you would be viewing first person in your hand through the rift. On that you would see your top down view that would allow you to quickly survey the affected areas of your ship, but as you managed things you would be running through your ship yourself trying to contain the damage while you are hailed through you hud by a vicious enemy asking for your immediate surrender hahahahahhaha. It would be great. You could expand upon that infinitely. I realize the universe of star trek has all that to offer and more, but FTL was just the first thing my mind jumped to. : )

"newreality" wrote:
Is it just me? The first thing that came to mind as soon as I started reading this thread is FTL. That would be epic. A fleshed out FTL done in 3d for the oculus would be awesome. ... but FTL was just the first thing my mind jumped to. : )

Honored Guest
Thanks for the help. This is actually the first video i watched a while back when I first became curious about this game. I'm a sucker for lets plays.

Not applicable
I'll tell ya right now, its a good thing my Rift isn't getting here for awhile still, because if I had it I would already be working on this kind of game and I am waaaaaaay too busy right now. I read about Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator awhile back and it just got my mind spinning about the possibilities of a VR starship game.

The ship needs to have a holodeck too :V

Expert Protege
"LucidDream" wrote:
I'll tell ya right now, its a good thing my Rift isn't getting here for awhile still, because if I had it I would already be working on this kind of game and I am waaaaaaay too busy right now. I read about Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator awhile back and it just got my mind spinning about the possibilities of a VR starship game.

The ship needs to have a holodeck too :V

lol yes, and we can go have a VR experience in our VR experience, love it! :lol:

Honored Guest
Though it's not very involved (and looks like something that crawled out of 1997), someone has built an explorable interior of the original series Enterprise. Their program uses some version of Torque 3D, so maybe it would be possible to hack in Rift support.

It's not a very compelling package on its own, but maybe someone else can take what they've done so far and build upon it.

I'm kind of a huge Trek fan, so I'm way into this kind of thing. Artemis is fun as hell, if anyone gets a chance to get a group together with the requisite hardware.

Honored Guest
"TraumaHound" wrote:
Though it's not very involved (and looks like something that crawled out of 1997), someone has built an explorable interior of the original series Enterprise. Their program uses some version of Torque 3D, so maybe it would be possible to hack in Rift support.

It's not a very compelling package on its own, but maybe someone else can take what they've done so far and build upon it.

I'm kind of a huge Trek fan, so I'm way into this kind of thing. Artemis is fun as hell, if anyone gets a chance to get a group together with the requisite hardware.

I know what you mean and Artemis is pretty cool especially when you use the Startrek mod 🙂
Anyway if anyone is starting a team to make this il try to help anyway I can :).