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Honored Guest
Today I learned that Oculus VR has a product fulfillment process that can only be rivaled by a five year old with a traumatic brain injury.

Congratulations to you first-day order folks. You'll likely get your dev kit this month. I suspect it will be awesome. Enjoy the fruits of your Click-Fu. I'm happy for you. (Genuinely!)

The rest of us suckers? August. Maybe.

What is it about VR companies that treat the "whooshing" sound that a missed target date makes as just another sound effect?

And no, I'm not interested in excuses, rationalizations or the hissy fits borne of a million lobotomized fanboys in defense of their precious.

I should know by now that when a VR company states a ship date, the statement should be filed in the same folder as "The check is in the mail!" and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning!"

Technically, they'll meet their ship date assuming nothing happens. That does little to make the people that ordered after the first day feel any better about their $400+ purchase that has no firm delivery date.

I'm not mad, simply disappointed - mostly in myself for buying into the hype of the DK2 and assuming that they weren't going to run in circles with their foot in a bucket when it came time to deliver. (Although from what I've recently learned about the DK1 fulfillment process, they may start out with BOTH feet in buckets...)


Not applicable
i'm sorry i missed the part during the order process where they gave any guranteed shipment date for the hardware. infact we where knowingly prepurchasing a product before they had begun production of the final version. let alone massproduction. any timeline can be extented for any reason. you willingly admit you dont want to hear excuses. and this isn't an excuse of why its later than you would like, its and expenation of why your upset over nothing.

THEY NEVER PROMISED YOU ANYTHING!...every time they have said anything it was. we are trying for, or we are hoping to get. there was never until yesterday any date given beyond julyish. and guess what, they made that timeframe

Expert Protege
I figured people would be hard on this guy as I read the first post. Hes got a right to share his disappointment. We probably all share it to some degree whether we share it or not. It was just a little while ago at e3 that they were still estimating 20 to 30k shipped in July. Yes its just an estimate, but its pretty far off when you consider how recent that was. Disappointment is to be expected.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

Honored Guest
Yeah I agree this f15 guy came across as a whiney bitch but he's just disappointed I think most of us see that and share in it to some extent. Ill demo it to him in the uk if he's near merseyside I managed to get my order in within 2 hours on release day. Here's hoping! 🙂

Honored Guest
Well if nothing else, the general outrage and sneering superiority I've gotten in response has been pretty entertaining.

Falan, the only things on this planet that are capable of making me a "whiney bitch" are Cisplatin and Etopiside. And yes, I whined like a little bitch. 😄 I'd recommend you try it, but I wouldn't wish that sh*t on anyone.


Not applicable
i agree we all have the right to be dissapointed that its later in july and less than they where hoping for shipped IN july. but this is a hardware rollout. this this the exact reason that nearly every other high demand hardware item is stockpilled before shipping out to distributors. but how would yo feel if you where one of those first 10k people and they where sitting on your dk2 instead of shipping it asap?

Honored Guest
"Snappahead" wrote:
I figured people would be hard on this guy as I read the first post. Hes got a right to share his disappointment. We probably all share it to some degree whether we share it or not. It was just a little while ago at e3 that they were still estimating 20 to 30k shipped in July. Yes its just an estimate, but its pretty far off when you consider how recent that was. Disappointment is to be expected.

Yeah i agree plus there could be any number of glitches in the matrix as far as manufacturing goes . Sales also haven't matched what i was expecting . Remember that chart with DK1 - DK2 then inflection point of CV1 with that graph with with the rising line predicting sales , seems to be just a small rise compared to that , maybe they thought after E3 there would be more of an uptake that would justify a ramping of production to that level . I see new orders are expected to ship in september now as well .
Once the youtuber's start getting theirs i'm sure things will pick up compared to DK1 . I ordered DK2 15/6 which was 2 weeks earlier than my DK1 order last year and i ended up with that in august after the order page said september at the time . Once the ball starts to roll production-wise things will happen quicker .

Honored Guest
Do you work for oculus 1karl1?

Honored Guest
Please admins create a "Oculus Tantrum Forum" without indexes in the search.
PD: yes my english its bad i known i5-4570 - Shaphire r9-290, win10-64

Honored Guest
"f15sim" wrote:
Well if nothing else, the general outrage and sneering superiority I've gotten in response has been pretty entertaining.

Falan, the only things on this planet that are capable of making me a "whiney bitch" are Cisplatin and Etopiside. And yes, I whined like a little bitch. 😄 I'd recommend you try it, but I wouldn't wish that sh*t on anyone.


F15sim where are you based? I don't mind demoing a dk2 if your keen to take a look at one in July. If your in the UK we can sort something out. God willing I'm in that first batch ofc

People are forgetting they preordered a development kit, not a ship date.

The ship date was an estimate

which is why is was called

estimated ship date

not a guaranteed ship date.

The evil kid in me suggests anyone who is upset Cancel their dk2 if its that much of an issue so i can get mine sooner.
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