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Honored Guest
Today I learned that Oculus VR has a product fulfillment process that can only be rivaled by a five year old with a traumatic brain injury.

Congratulations to you first-day order folks. You'll likely get your dev kit this month. I suspect it will be awesome. Enjoy the fruits of your Click-Fu. I'm happy for you. (Genuinely!)

The rest of us suckers? August. Maybe.

What is it about VR companies that treat the "whooshing" sound that a missed target date makes as just another sound effect?

And no, I'm not interested in excuses, rationalizations or the hissy fits borne of a million lobotomized fanboys in defense of their precious.

I should know by now that when a VR company states a ship date, the statement should be filed in the same folder as "The check is in the mail!" and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning!"

Technically, they'll meet their ship date assuming nothing happens. That does little to make the people that ordered after the first day feel any better about their $400+ purchase that has no firm delivery date.

I'm not mad, simply disappointed - mostly in myself for buying into the hype of the DK2 and assuming that they weren't going to run in circles with their foot in a bucket when it came time to deliver. (Although from what I've recently learned about the DK1 fulfillment process, they may start out with BOTH feet in buckets...)


Honored Guest
"Crimso" wrote:
Do you work for oculus 1karl1?

I fuckin wish ha , nah just another non dev me and 2 year follower of the rift , i've worked in a lot of warehouses/production though stuff your waiting on always gets delivered just before break or when ppl are on breaks , drivers have a knack of turning up when nobody's there so they can sit on thier arse for a bit like i saidanything that can go wrong in production lines usually does at some-point no matter how much preparation you do .

Expert Protege
"f15sim" wrote:
Well if nothing else, the general outrage and sneering superiority I've gotten in response has been pretty entertaining.

Falan, the only things on this planet that are capable of making me a "whiney bitch" are Cisplatin and Etopiside. And yes, I whined like a little bitch. 😄 I'd recommend you try it, but I wouldn't wish that sh*t on anyone.


My father dealt with cisplatin. Vile stuff. Amazing that we're still using that sh1t to treat people so many years later. All the money we've dumped into cancer research and we're still stuck with poisoning ourselves in the small chance that we can kill it before we kill ourselves.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

"Gizmotweak" wrote:
Then cancel your order to teach Oculus a lesson.

That is the only way you can get your point across since shipping & fulfillment probably doesnt read these boards.

~(casually looks side to side with slightly lidded eyes and wonders if anyone is dumb enough to fall for this subterfuge and cancel their order thus potentially bumping others up to a sooner delivery date)~

Yeah guys!

*grabs pitchfork*

Let's go show Oculus a thing or two and cancel our pre-orders! ...You guys go on ahead! I just need to tie my shoes real quick...I'll catch up to you! I'll be right behind you! Just go ahead and start without me!
The Furious Angels - an Oculus Rift Online Gaming Community!

"Tbone" wrote:
"Gizmotweak" wrote:

*grabs pitchfork*

Let's go show Oculus a thing or two and cancel our pre-orders! ...You guys go on ahead! I just need to tie my shoes real quick...I'll catch up to you! I'll be right behind you! Just go ahead and start without me!

Hahaha thx for the laugh

I have great news for anyone dumb enough to cancel their preorder because they were not guaranteed a ship date.

The five guys in the supersecret montreal basement working on the oculus rift killer for the past nine years are happy to take your money just as soon as they figure out how to make a website with more than one page and go publix with their kickstarter.

Naturally it will be more expensive than the rift cause its like betters and does more stuffs...they promise.
This space available for advertising.

Honored Guest
Fine by me. Any mistakes and lessons they make now is extra experience for shipping the consumer version.

FWIW; no company is immune from delays. Companies like Apple, Samsung and Sony regularly have production and scaling issues. It's just harder to see, because a) they never tell you and b) volumes are huge.

Instead of 10M iPhones being ready for launch day there may only be 2M. You'd never know, it would just look like high demand.

When you have dozens of components, coming from all over the world, they all have to arrive on time and at the quantity you ordered. It just doesn't happen to start off with. Oculus will have needed to order IMU's, Lenses, plastic, silicon, cables etc. Any one of those components have issues and you can't make your product.

"f15sim" wrote:
When a date slips, it's due to one of two things - someone screwed up, or a drooling retard wielding an MBA spat out an unrealistic delivery timeline.

When I buy development tools, they have stock before they'll take my money. When I buy reference boards, they've got stock before they take my money. Even when making a pre-order, the stock is usually on-site and they're doing final line tests before shipping.

I strongly suspect that the injection molds weren't even final when they opened up the pre-order for the DK2 and that's simply irresponsible if true.

And what if that screw up or delay was on the part of some company supplying a single part with no other supplier or that couldn't be obtained even in the same time frame and not at all any bit of Oculus' fault?

We're only talking a couple of weeks here. Seems to me that what might have disrupted Oculus' schedule is no different from what the two week delay might do to yours. Does that make you a five year old with a brain injury too? I mean if their schedule slipped due to a supplier issue, and your schedule slips due to a supplier issue, how is your condemnation of OVR not deserved for yourself as well?

If you need OVR to have stock before they take your money, just cancel your order now and wait a few months until they do have stock. Problem solved. I know... You can thank me later. Who on earth would want the opportunity to buy something before the manufacturer had amassed more than anyone could ever want so nobody ever had to experience a delay in shipping? You wouldn't be able to buy DK2 until November or so, but hey, that sure feels better than getting yours in the first week of August doesn't it? No waiting, right?

And sure, I heard rumors all over the internet it was those damn injection molds that screwed the pooch on this one! Yep, in these days of 3D printing, when you can print and test designs out the wazoo in hours, and even with OVR showing final designs months ago, let's go with it being the molds being screwed up. I'm betting Palmer and Carmack, and the rest of them aren't injection mold makers so they had to rely on someone outside slipping up to put those molds behind schedule.

It's the outside supplier, supply chain thing that makes OVR out like a five year old with a brain injury, right? And again, isn't that like you relying on OVR to supply your DK2? Which makes you a what???... What is that now?
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

"Snappahead" wrote:
I figured people would be hard on this guy as I read the first post. Hes got a right to share his disappointment. We probably all share it to some degree whether we share it or not. It was just a little while ago at e3 that they were still estimating 20 to 30k shipped in July. Yes its just an estimate, but its pretty far off when you consider how recent that was. Disappointment is to be expected.

Sure he has a right to his disappointment, but he is also publicly throwing a tantrum (amusing) but also trying to demean and smear OVR for doing exactly what they said they would do.

There are far too many temper tantrum posts on these boards. I'm sure that not a single one would be complaining if they had managed to secure spots pre-9:00 AM on March 19th where they had a shot at July delivery. And who knows? Some of these whiners may still get theirs depending on how the shipping center lottery plays.

I think I'm right on the edge with a 9:01 confirmation letter. I hope to get mine in two weeks but I understand I might not. That's a very real chance. And if mine gets pushed to August, oh well. I won't be on here crying about it and calling OVR employees names. I'll be here reading every tidbit others post and waiting for it calmly and eagerly.

Posts like the OP's are embarrassing for us all. We're guests here given a great opportunity. VR is finally starting to live up to its potential and we are able to buy these things at cost - COST - to start working with them. That just doesn't happen.
But... but... but... I just NEED to know about the Baba! The Baba has me hypmotized! :shock:

Expert Protege
I get what you're saying. I personally don't see it as big an issue as you do and don't think we agree on what equates "tantrums" or "whiners", but I get it.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

Honored Guest
Patience is a virtue.

That probably doesn't ring any bells for lots of people here, and that's a shame. Of course, many of us who feel entitled because they are "developing a huge project that is going to change the face of everything and blkdhhsyth..." Are just that, too f'ing entitled.

Not only are we at the forefront of VR as feasible conduit of entertainment, service and education, we are also at the beginning of so many opportunities to create jobs. Industries are going to bloom at incredible rates on the back-bone of the VR tech that is here and is coming.

I've read comments from "developers" trying to degrade the posts and opinions of "enthusiasts" as if VR is in the hands of those who write code. I have also seen uncountable amounts of posts from people with too much money and time on their hands whining about everything every step of the way. It's really detrimental, all of it.

Everyone is a part of VR now. Techies, neck-beards, teachers, kids, Google, Sony and Grandma.
It's here. Two years ago it was not. 4 years ago people were wetting themselves over 3D.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but can we not try to raise the bar a bit higher as a community?
July, August, or even September. So many dreams will be realized.

In today's world we take so much for granted, and I'm speaking specifically about how nice and easy it is to order consumer products at a click. This is not a consumer product. Of course, I'm speaking to the choir, but we tend to forget.
Oculus is finding its way in regards to distribution because they are semi-blind.

They are breaking ground every minute. We are breaking ground with them.