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Honored Guest
Today I learned that Oculus VR has a product fulfillment process that can only be rivaled by a five year old with a traumatic brain injury.

Congratulations to you first-day order folks. You'll likely get your dev kit this month. I suspect it will be awesome. Enjoy the fruits of your Click-Fu. I'm happy for you. (Genuinely!)

The rest of us suckers? August. Maybe.

What is it about VR companies that treat the "whooshing" sound that a missed target date makes as just another sound effect?

And no, I'm not interested in excuses, rationalizations or the hissy fits borne of a million lobotomized fanboys in defense of their precious.

I should know by now that when a VR company states a ship date, the statement should be filed in the same folder as "The check is in the mail!" and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning!"

Technically, they'll meet their ship date assuming nothing happens. That does little to make the people that ordered after the first day feel any better about their $400+ purchase that has no firm delivery date.

I'm not mad, simply disappointed - mostly in myself for buying into the hype of the DK2 and assuming that they weren't going to run in circles with their foot in a bucket when it came time to deliver. (Although from what I've recently learned about the DK1 fulfillment process, they may start out with BOTH feet in buckets...)


Honored Guest
"f15sim" wrote:
There's no rage at all. 🙂

I've been developing software for money since 1986. (Gawd, I'm SUCH a whooore. *laughs*)

When a date slips, it's due to one of two things - someone screwed up, or a drooling retard wielding an MBA spat out an unrealistic delivery timeline.

When I buy development tools, they have stock before they'll take my money. When I buy reference boards, they've got stock before they take my money. Even when making a pre-order, the stock is usually on-site and they're doing final line tests before shipping.

I strongly suspect that the injection molds weren't even final when they opened up the pre-order for the DK2 and that's simply irresponsible if true.


You say you've been developing games since 1986, which implies you're not a child. Yet, you use offensive, insensitive, and small-minded words like "retard" and think traumatic brain injury is adequate fodder for insults. Seriously man, grow up. You're embarrassing yourself and making this community look bad.

I'd suggest you take some of the time you spend complaining about a product being delayed a few weeks and volunteer at a group home, work services organization, or community outreach program. I'm confident that, after you do, you won't be inclined to use such language again. Typing those things does nothing to prove your point and only puts your ignorance on display.

Honored Guest
Golly Mr. Brian sir, you certainly look dashing atop that high horse of yours.

I'll admit I've never seen that shade of pastel blue on a war horse, but it's apparently working for you.



User was warned for this post by cybereality. Trolling, personal attacks.

Honored Guest
"f15sim" wrote:
Golly Mr. Brian sir, you certainly look dashing atop that high horse of yours.

I'll admit I've never seen that shade of pastel blue on a war horse, but it's apparently working for you.



A childish response. Why am I not surprised?

You're a class act buddy. Keep complaining-- I'm sure someone cares.

Honored Guest
"BrianMundt" wrote:
"f15sim" wrote:
There's no rage at all. 🙂

I've been developing software for money since 1986. (Gawd, I'm SUCH a whooore. *laughs*)

When a date slips, it's due to one of two things - someone screwed up, or a drooling retard wielding an MBA spat out an unrealistic delivery timeline.

When I buy development tools, they have stock before they'll take my money. When I buy reference boards, they've got stock before they take my money. Even when making a pre-order, the stock is usually on-site and they're doing final line tests before shipping.

I strongly suspect that the injection molds weren't even final when they opened up the pre-order for the DK2 and that's simply irresponsible if true.


You say you've been developing games since 1986, which implies you're not a child. Yet, you use offensive, insensitive, and small-minded words like "retard" and think traumatic brain injury is adequate fodder for insults. Seriously man, grow up. You're embarrassing yourself and making this community look bad.

I'd suggest you take some of the time you spend complaining about a product being delayed a few weeks and volunteer at a group home, work services organization, or community outreach program. I'm confident that, after you do, you won't be inclined to use such language again. Typing those things does nothing to prove your point and only puts your ignorance on display.

Well said!

Rising Star
You've been developing for commercial prerelease hardware for that many years? How is it you've never run into a single delay in your entire existence? Even now many developers are having problems getting a hold of XBox One and PS3 dev kits, and the consumer versions of those systems are out on shelves! The company I worked for had a few delays getting the Nintendo 3DS dev kit too while it was still being developed, same with the original DS. And those things cost thousands of dollars! It's amazing that Oculus is willing to sell their dev kits for so cheap, so cheap that non-developers aren't thinking twice before ordering them.

As for "they always had them ready to ship when they made my order", are you really suggesting that Oculus not ship a single unit until they have all that are needed waiting in warehouses? They could have said "they are shipping in September" and done so.

Honored Guest
Dreamwriter and Brian.. love you guys

* don't feed the troll *

I am just as impatient to get my DK2 as anyone, but I'd have to say I'm finding the overall response to the shipping announcement surprising. They always said they intended to start shipping units in July. They never said when, so it could just have easily meant that the first batch would go out in the last few days of the month, and that would have been fine. Instead, they have announced that they have started shipping on the first day of July, and already people aren't happy? Judging by the response, Oculus would have been better off not saying anything about the first lot, keep making them throughout the month, and ship out everything they had by that time at the end of the month. Then everyone would be obsessing over whether they would receive theirs in the August batch (and twice as many would since none went out earlier), and they still would have met their July estimate to start shipping.

So seriously, I'll be waiting by the front door every day for the next few weeks until mine gets here, but as far as I'm concerned even if mine isn't in the first batch, Oculus have surpassed all expectations by starting to ship this early. Well done guys.............

Honored Guest
"BrianMundt" wrote:
"f15sim" wrote:
Golly Mr. Brian sir, you certainly look dashing atop that high horse of yours.

I'll admit I've never seen that shade of pastel blue on a war horse, but it's apparently working for you.



A childish response. Why am I not surprised?

You're a class act buddy. Keep complaining-- I'm sure someone cares.

Can we go away from the whole "childish/adultish" entitlement? Because I'm sorry if you need that to feel superior to your young ones, but if you really think you can categorize things like sarcastic responses as childish, then I think you should maybe open your eyes to the real world and "grow up" yourself. :roll:

I can't think of anything more simple minded than thinking that age/experience is something that defines a person, because every time I walk outside and meet other humans I'm proven a different truth. Call him/her unsound(and all those "not serious" synonyms), ridiculous, humorously small-minded, etc. but for humanities sake, stop the "adults = YEAHHHHH!!!" nonsense. :roll:
DK2 Status: ARRIVED AND WORKING Arrival: 29.07.

Guys, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Block all people with accounts from NeoGAF
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on forums?